Had my sissy pooh
come through
and she decided to tell me all the reasons
she thinks I'm without a boo.
Started by saying,
"it's this game men be playing..
It begins when we look and then look away
it's something about ignoring a man
that makes him want to stay."
Said, "girl you gotta act a little stuck up
trust me on this,
and you'll see wassup.
Give him the cold shoulder
and I bet an attraction with soon begin to smolder."
But I told her,
"I've never been the one to act
or do magic and pull rabbits from a hat.
So why should expressing my interest have to take
all of that?
If he doesn't speak and I do
what's wrong with me approaching him with a,
'Hey there, I think I may like you.
Or, I wanna get to know you.
Or, maybe we can get together and chat.
Or, if you wanna call me sometimes,
I think I may like that.'"
Yet, if in fact
this is the way to attract
I ultimately feel sorry for him
because in order to gain his attention
she's saying my light has to dim.
And I just wanna play above the rim,
give him
authentic me from the very start,
even if I'm the one to ignite the spark.
Not from a turned back or a false dislike
but from being courageous and going for what I like.
Cause I think this is absurd
and if I could give a quick word
to the sirs and the misters,
'it would be that I hope you guys don't mess around
and miss her..
From taking part in this game
because if a woman approaches you and asks for your name..
Know she did it after careful observation
and with great tact.
No batteries included; no strings attached.
She possibly was moved by you and your essence
and standing before you is a women who left foolishness
in her adolescence.
So if she looks
don't become shook
if you see she doesn't look away,
take in the moment
to hear what her eyes have to say.
And keep in mind this interest that
she's not afraid to express
it doesn't mean that she's desperate;
and it doesn't make her pressed.
It actually says less
about her and more about you
because you're the lucky gun that she has chosen to pursue.