I know that I promised you a three part series on the topic of So this is Love? or is it Infatuation?? Now after the much needed rest, I will bring this subject to a conclusion. I hope that this will allow you to see where you have been, where you are or possibly where you are going within your own intimate relationships.
So this is...Really up to you??
We started this journey by breaking down the difference between LOVE and INFATUATION based off of the biblical instructions given to us. Depending on one's preception it is likely that infatuation could be judged as something that is unfavorable. I do not believe that this is neccessarily true and I'll explain.
As I touched upon in pt. 2, infatuation above all else is short lived. This is the most grandest aspect of actually being infatuated. Being that infatuation is temporary it would be beneficial to us to view it as a season. The existence of the negative prospects of infatuation arise because we do not recognize when the season of infatuation has ended.
As it was stated by King Solomon in Ecclessiastes 3, 'There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the sun.' This includes the sensations and pleasures we receive from being infatuated.
There are plenty of healthy relationships that are birthed through infatuation's presence at the beginning of the relationship. The survival numbers are a rare statistic because more times than not, infatuation grows into a way of feeling, a way of thinking, a way of acting and eventually and sadly a way of believing. Once this takes place, all of what I had shown and expressed in the earlier posts begin to set in. You have to remember that whatever you begin to feel, think, act and do is who you become.-(Re-read 7 steps to fulfilling your destiny for a refresher on that.)
With our Creator knowing us all so well, He sent others before us to lead the way for us. He knew that it was imperative to teach His children in detail about what LOVE is and also to explain to us that there is a time for everything. Each of these lessons have significant distance from where they are placed in the Bible but they can be practiced under the same principles. It is all relevant. I do not know if you at all feel the way that I do right now but this is a great place to praise God for His awesomeness. (hand clap)
With that being said, I hope that what you have learned through this trilogy is that YES, there is a difference between love and infatuation. Yet, there is also a similarity between the two and that is that they are both a CHOICE. The beauty is that you get to choose. You can either choose to use the wisdom of Solomon, the faithfulness of Paul, the giftings of yours truly along the presence of God to decide what is best for you and your soul.
I am able to answer the question that was posed to me ("What is the difference between LOVE and INFATUATION?") but I challenge you to ask the question to yourself BUT do not just leave it there. Answer it and be totally honest with yourself because these are my testaments and I know what I have chosen, what are yours?
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