Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Attitude of Excellence

As I took a look at a few of today's news headlines, I had come to the conclusion that many of us are not living up to our fullest potential. The disappointment and sadness I felt by reading about our current events, almost instantly reminded me of the poem I had written earlier this year for the home-going service for my grandfather.

My grandfather (Pop), was always challenging his friends and family to be the best that we could possibly be. In the times we live in many of us are exchanging our best for less. We are losing ourselves, our lives, our families and our positions to the ways of the world. To destruction.

I titled this, An Attitude of Excellence-which I had gotten from the book by Willie Jolley. Again, this is a personal piece because it was written for one of the greatest men that I have ever known. I believe so much in the message that he was bestowing upon us and I also believe that there are many other great men and women out there that have the ability to do and be better.

An Attitude of Excellence

Words of wisdom that encourages others to do their best,
To put on a "S" stamped vest and
To be sensible enough to know that yes,
We all do bleed,
But to be courageous enough to not follow and lead.

To believe,
Believe that if you think you are at your highest,
To soar higher,
Be an eagle, a flier;
You were not created to be a failure or a liar.
Press harder and do better.
Recognize that storms aren't nothing more than weather.

We are all human and it is written that:
We all fall short through our sin,
But continually drive in an effort to win.

So begin.....

Begin right now,
because Greatness is living inside of us all.
And excellence means not being afraid to fall.

If you do,
Just get up and do better.
Do better than what you are currently doing without delay,
Strive forward and keep pursuing it everyday.

Pop was a man of a few words,
meaning that he had to choose them carefully.
So prayerfully on his behalf,
I say to you no longer settle for only half.
"You got to do better than what you're doing."

Pop, thank you for the inspiration I needed to be able to share this poem with the masses. I know that through one person at a time, one act at a time, one word at a time, the world can be changed.

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