Saturday, March 12, 2011

Beautiful Elysian

Currently I was listening to the cherubic melodies and symphonic sounds projected out of India.Arie in her song titled Beautiful. This piece is a jewel to hear but what caught me in particularly this time around were the lyrics. In this song she describes 'beautiful' as a place, which in other words means, she changed an adjective to a noun and that is highly clever in my opinion. So after a few hits of replay I was left pondering on where exactly it is that I would wanna go if I had the choice to do so.

My word of choice was and is ELYSIAN.

Before I go any further I want to begin by dedicating this piece to Ms. Arie for giving me the inspiration and motivation I needed to do this one. I challenged myself greatly and it took quite a bit of research and study on my part but I must admit I enjoyed it fully, so I thank you. I can only pray that I did justice to her masterpiece. So without further delay, here is my version of the song Beautiful, which I have graciously titled "Beautiful Elysian."

Time has no measure and
I haven't a single bag to pack
Pursuing my spiritual journey down the road.
Cause I've made it up from the abyss and
I see that familiar shining celestial body up ahead
Inviting me to exist within its radiance.

I wanna go to place where I am placid and repose
The place that exists between 'NOW'here and here'AFTER'.
I wanna got to a place where bliss has no consequence and
The sky accepts each of my prayers.

I wanna go to Beautiful Elysian

Understand that it's because I've cared all too much
But now the pressure has barricaded me in
I have grown to love suffering more than I have loved the life of enjoyment itself.

But I need to find a place where
I can live
I can laugh
I can dance
I wanna go to a place where I can grab hold the hand of freedom
And let go of subjection with all my might.

I wanna go to a place where I am suspended in blessedness
Some where between light and lightheartedness
Where wrongs don't have a right.


I know where it is that I wanna be, so I ask you, where is it that you wanna go?

1 comment:

  1. I'll be the first to give myself a thumbs up on this one, just came back and read it for myself and I must say, "GO ME!"
