Yet again he went off on another uncontrollable rant,
leaving her just as puzzled as a game show contestant.
Not a schizophrenic yet met with this voice in her head,
seducing her to be the woman who in these moments had said--
"Won't you just shut 👏🏾the👏🏾fuck👏🏾up!
This is not a rerun episode of Press Your Luck.
And you for damn sure are no Peter Tomarken,
so do like a good pup and quiet down with all of this barking."
No longer comprehending,
his face told her he was livid.
While the voice she attempted to ignore was becoming more vivid.
"Sis, this is your one life so you better learn to live it.
He doesn't get to control us like this,
you should forbid it.
We have options don't let him convince you to settle for just one.
Snap the hell out of it and tell him that we're done!
The solution is easy, this was only a problem for Monty Hall.
You don't have to choose between a door,
when we possess the keys to them all."
Awakening to her senses,
she politely interrupted him in mid sentence.
"These fits are unnecessary and they've gone on for quite awhile,
Honey I am your woman and I refuse to continue to be treated as a child."
Now both with tears in their eyes, she took him by the hand,
And without a single blink she said this to her man--
"Your loss of control allows me to fly free,
but that doesn't mean in doing so I won't make room for you and for me.
I promised through marriage to give myself as your wife,
those vows didn't include you reigning completely over my life.
If you make me choose,
we'll both lose.
Game over,
that's it.
Just another couple,
adding to the divorce statistic.
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