Thursday, May 19, 2011

this girl called LOVE

Today He called me LOVE.

He said that I make up the rules so it's all in my hands.
As shocked as I may have been, He whispered, "Don't be surprised because you've known it all along. The love you've been craving, it's who you were born to be, My child, and now you are ready."
The greatest love is seeing beyond yourself and other people, it's seeing through them to their soul.

Today He called me LOVE.

Not just a mere sentiment but the truth which holds His law. He shined His light and said, "From the darkness you have been delivered so get up and walk."
This is an extraordinary move He has asked me to make but He said I could do it because, I'm EXTRAordinary and that's nothing new.
"Your name Infinity was such a precise choice for you to make because it's who you always were and My Divine Love is infinite and mysterious."

Today He called me LOVE.

So together we wait ahead wanting you all to catch up because we know in the ending there is always love.

With a heart of acceptance, yet still I protested, "Father isn't love something you feel?"
Quickly He replied, "No it isn't my child; it's what you become. I watched you at your happiest when I knew you had nothing and during that time you allowed the unknown to cast a new life. You've bravely decided to not cling to the past and I watched you rid yourself of expectations and foolish hopes. You stopped fearing the fear of the unknown, and it's been shown because today I called YOU love. My daughter life is fleeting and so impermanent, grasping is vain and clinging is futile but My renewal is forever and now at the same time. Love conforms to OUR vision, and I know you can see it now. You yearned to be 'called out' and so you have, but remember this: love also calls people out so today you are responsible to radiate who you are to others. The gift of who you are isn't just for yourself, GIVE AND RECEIVE, GIVE AND RECEIVE, GIVE AND RECEIVE! My invisible light has shined on the seed that was buried within you."

Today He called me LOVE.

I have a new ability to work miracles so now the minor stuff is casually overlooked. People won't find me (love that is) just because they're lovable. No! In order to be found you must promise love. I don't and I won't come automatically nor am I to be forced because otherwise I wouldn't be love at all, now would I be?
But don't worry because if you unknowingly forget to promise love and are unfortunate to experience me now, you'll have many more chances in the life to come. When you die He has promised to show you the truth immediately. It's an experience of love, knowingness, and bliss because everything that is Him; flows from them.

Today He called me LOVE.

So that I could present one option to you all.

-The person who does is always open and always observing. Surrender not to detach or avoid being touched but so that you can have enough space to find out what is real. Today I have been called love but we are ALL apart of something else. We all belong to ONE unity and that unity is love.

So this is LoVe and today He called me LOVE, so this is ME and I LOVE YOU.

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