Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The time is NOW

I've been having it in my heart to write this piece but I didn't know how to deliver it without causing my readers to grow frantic. But the time is now because Yahweh is not playing with us and I refuse to let my people be left ignorant.

My question to you is: Have your eyes been open to see and have your ears been in tune to listen to what God is doing and saying to the Universe? If not, then it's time to wake up. Consider today as the first day of the rest of your life.

Lately, as a people we have experienced some of the most incredible natural disasters to date. This year alone we have seen the hands of Yahweh at work. I compiled a list below so if you don't believe me you can look it up this information for yourselves ( and I actually encourage that you do.)

-Birds reportedly falling from the sky and millions of dead fish washed ashore.

-Falling ice and snow off of Cowboys stadium.
-Earthquake reported in New Zealand.

-Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan causing the Earth to shift 8 feet on its axis.
-Fukushima related radioactive materials spread through Northern Hemisphere.
-Massive sandstorm in Kuwait.

-F5 twisters throughout Kansas.
-Severe storms demolish North Carolina.
-Tornado rips through St. Louis airport.
-Talks of "Virgin Mary" image seen in Africa.
-167 tornadoes in a 24 hour period in the southern U.S. states.

-Epic flooding from Mississippi River.
-Rivers flowing backwards (Wolf River, Nonconnah Creek.)
(This next one hasn't yet proven to be disastrous but I do find it quite interesting enough to include)
-Celestial Summit Meeting- 3 planets converging to form a trio.

I didn't write this piece because I'm imposing panic upon you and trust and believe when I say that I'm not the type of person that gets off on chasing after storms but this could not be ignored. Yahweh is talking to His people and He is giving us the opportunity to get right with Him before it's too late.

Exodus 20:18-20
When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.” Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”
May I be your Moses today and help you to see that now since you have seen the thunder and lightning, know that it is your God testing you to keep you from having your name blotted out of His Book.

I won't end this piece by sounding churchy and saying that it's the end of the world or Armageddon. I've seen for myself that that makes nothing more than a catchy topic to discuss because almost always everyone walks away doing the same things they've been doing.

We are a very fortunate people because unlike our biblical ancestors we have the resources we need made readily available to us. I strongly advise that you take advantage of that fact and live in your bibles. And like I said earlier, I kind of don't want you to believe me because that way you will seek this out for yourselves. I will suggest this though, begin by reading those scriptures in the back of the bible that everyone tends to bypass. (Revelations)

Peace be with you.

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