It's enough of it in the world, I don't need yours.
If you "choose" to visit this page, I ask that you come only with a positive mindset. As you see, the name of the blog is called, "So this is Love" and that's all that is expected of my readers, the ones that make their presence known and to those who do not.
The internet once was a place where one could expand their information at a touch of a button, but now, it's used for much more than that. It's becoming a problem for those with a creative spirit to create. It's growing exceedingly difficult to expand our minds and grow because there is always someone being offended by something.
There's an old saying that goes, if you look for something then you're going to find it...So if you come to this website expecting to "find" something other than what I'm writing about, then I ask that you seek out other sources.
I have a new way of thinking; a new way of processing information and I'm not going to let the HATE of others disturb or cut in on my LOVE. Some people would suggest that I shut down the site and start anew, others may suggest blocking those certain people but it's not about that. This page is public and open to all and everyone. I choose to not live in the frequency that says I have to please everyone by what I do or do not write nor does it mean that I should hide my talents or turn people away. You're all welcome inside of my cyberhome, I just ask that treat it like any other home you're visiting and wipe your feet at the door. Bring your peace with you and keep the hate elsewhere.
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. -Hebrews 12:14
Monday, December 27, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
BIRTHDAY Countdown 3.0
With the kids jingle-belling
And everyone telling you
Be of good cheer
It's the most wonderful time of the year
It's the happiest season of all
With those BIRTHDAY greetings
And great happy meetings
When friends come to call
It's the happiest season of all
There'll be parties for hosting
Wine for toasting
And caroling out in the snow
There'll be romantic love stories
And tales of the glories
Of Christmas birthdays long, long ago
It's the most wonderful time of the year
There be much mistletoe-ing
And hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near
It's the most wonderful time of the year,
It's the most wonderful time of the year.
24 days to MY 30TH X-MAS BIRTHDAY, super excited!!
Also, it's World Aids Day. Wear red today to honor those with this disease and get yourself checked out as well, remember the life you save may be your own.
With the kids jingle-belling
And everyone telling you
Be of good cheer
It's the most wonderful time of the year
It's the happiest season of all
With those BIRTHDAY greetings
And great happy meetings
When friends come to call
It's the happiest season of all
There'll be parties for hosting
Wine for toasting
And caroling out in the snow
There'll be romantic love stories
And tales of the glories
Of Christmas birthdays long, long ago
It's the most wonderful time of the year
There be much mistletoe-ing
And hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near
It's the most wonderful time of the year,
It's the most wonderful time of the year.
24 days to MY 30TH X-MAS BIRTHDAY, super excited!!
Also, it's World Aids Day. Wear red today to honor those with this disease and get yourself checked out as well, remember the life you save may be your own.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Distant Lover
LOVE is never "easy" and distance doesn't make it any easier. It does make you realize what you WANT and what you NEED but more importantly, you recognize that ONE person you don't mind missing because it's that one person you can't live without.
Friday, October 15, 2010
In the garden
The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man."
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened.
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?"
The man said, "The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."
Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?"
To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."
Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.
And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.
This was the account of Adam and Eve, a story of which many of us know. I have heard many different opinions on why this particular story was included in the Bible, I have also heard quite a few different perspectives on the main characters involved.
But today, I asked myself what else happened to this lovely couple after God gave them their individual consequences. I imagined what their home life must have looked like and the conversations they held after the "fall of man."
It is written that God gave Adam/man authority to name all living creatures, so I pondered on what else he may have called his wife when he thought of their banishment.
Before Adam began his painful toil (which he had to endure for all the days of his life), he showed compassion and gave his wife the name Eve, which meant LIFE. It is shown that he had forgiven her error. Eve made a terrible mistake that day in the garden, yet, he still seen her as mother, as fruitful, as his soul mate and more importantly, as worthy. She was still an extension of God and himself.
Yet and still, I could not help but to think that Adam was possibly putting up a front because at that instance he knew he was still before God. I mean, upon consuming the fruit they both instantly gained knowledge of good and evil, their nakedness had become apparent and their flaws were made visible. So I wonder if throughout the days, months and years, did Adam begin to see his once perfect helper as a foe? *Remember, he tried selling her out once when he was asked about what happened.*
This question sparks great interest in me because nowadays, men speak to their women anyway they chose and or feel. They are no longer naming us LIFE, but giving us labels that resemble DEATH. They are marking us women by their own misery. The sad thing is, is that we allow them to give us these new titles. Somewhere along the line it became acceptable for men to take back their rib and instead give us their middle finger (and we all know what that means.)
So I say to my new age Adam's of the world: That woman that you injure with your words is to be respected. Women are allowed to make mistakes, just as all human beings, it is a part of her learning God, herself and her world. Give your woman grace and forgiveness all the time because you are forever amongst the Creator and He did not give you this authority to abuse it. Your woman was not taken from your feet, to be under you, nor was she taken from your head, to be above you. She was taken from your side, to stand beside you and be held close to protect your heart and support you, as God intented for her to do. Treat her well, love her and respect her, for she is fragile. In hurting her, you hurt God. What you do to her, you do to Him. In crushing her, you only damage your own heart, the heart of your Father and the heart of her Father.
To my Eve's: Continue to live fervently for God. You were created so that everything God wanted to share with your man may be experienced through you. God knows that it is not good for man to be alone, despite how much your man may say or think he does not need you. You were fashioned in God's holiness, strength, purity, love, protection and support. You are special because of that alone. You were created perfectly and beautifully. Your Father gave you the characteristics of the rib, which are strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most vital organ in a man; his heart. His heart is the center of his being and his lungs hold the breath of life. You as the rib cage will allow yourself to be broken before you will allow any damage to the heart. But this means that you own your own virtue and not accept the names of destruction that are casted upon you. You are life and through you all of life is brought into existense.
In the garden, man was created to bring glory to God and woman was to bring glory to her man. Together you represent the totality of God. You took a fall once in the garden. This time around help each other to stand.
The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man."
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened.
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?"
The man said, "The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."
Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?"
To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."
Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.
And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.
This was the account of Adam and Eve, a story of which many of us know. I have heard many different opinions on why this particular story was included in the Bible, I have also heard quite a few different perspectives on the main characters involved.
But today, I asked myself what else happened to this lovely couple after God gave them their individual consequences. I imagined what their home life must have looked like and the conversations they held after the "fall of man."
It is written that God gave Adam/man authority to name all living creatures, so I pondered on what else he may have called his wife when he thought of their banishment.
Before Adam began his painful toil (which he had to endure for all the days of his life), he showed compassion and gave his wife the name Eve, which meant LIFE. It is shown that he had forgiven her error. Eve made a terrible mistake that day in the garden, yet, he still seen her as mother, as fruitful, as his soul mate and more importantly, as worthy. She was still an extension of God and himself.
Yet and still, I could not help but to think that Adam was possibly putting up a front because at that instance he knew he was still before God. I mean, upon consuming the fruit they both instantly gained knowledge of good and evil, their nakedness had become apparent and their flaws were made visible. So I wonder if throughout the days, months and years, did Adam begin to see his once perfect helper as a foe? *Remember, he tried selling her out once when he was asked about what happened.*
This question sparks great interest in me because nowadays, men speak to their women anyway they chose and or feel. They are no longer naming us LIFE, but giving us labels that resemble DEATH. They are marking us women by their own misery. The sad thing is, is that we allow them to give us these new titles. Somewhere along the line it became acceptable for men to take back their rib and instead give us their middle finger (and we all know what that means.)
So I say to my new age Adam's of the world: That woman that you injure with your words is to be respected. Women are allowed to make mistakes, just as all human beings, it is a part of her learning God, herself and her world. Give your woman grace and forgiveness all the time because you are forever amongst the Creator and He did not give you this authority to abuse it. Your woman was not taken from your feet, to be under you, nor was she taken from your head, to be above you. She was taken from your side, to stand beside you and be held close to protect your heart and support you, as God intented for her to do. Treat her well, love her and respect her, for she is fragile. In hurting her, you hurt God. What you do to her, you do to Him. In crushing her, you only damage your own heart, the heart of your Father and the heart of her Father.
To my Eve's: Continue to live fervently for God. You were created so that everything God wanted to share with your man may be experienced through you. God knows that it is not good for man to be alone, despite how much your man may say or think he does not need you. You were fashioned in God's holiness, strength, purity, love, protection and support. You are special because of that alone. You were created perfectly and beautifully. Your Father gave you the characteristics of the rib, which are strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most vital organ in a man; his heart. His heart is the center of his being and his lungs hold the breath of life. You as the rib cage will allow yourself to be broken before you will allow any damage to the heart. But this means that you own your own virtue and not accept the names of destruction that are casted upon you. You are life and through you all of life is brought into existense.
In the garden, man was created to bring glory to God and woman was to bring glory to her man. Together you represent the totality of God. You took a fall once in the garden. This time around help each other to stand.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Are you happy?
Well, are ya? Are you HAPPY?
Recently, I have asked a number of people this simple three word question and the answers I got back raised an eyebrow.
I noticed that this question did not bear an easy one word reply of "yes" or "no" to which I was seeking to hear. Instead the answers unfolded fears, doubts and many explanations. It was almost as if the subjects thought I was being too personal or as if I were attempting to offend them.
To further understand why I could not receive a one word reply to this question, I followed it up with asking, "What is your definition of happiness?" Not to my surprise, I again received many different responses.
Here were a few of the more common definitions given:
"Happiness is a state of mind, I could choose to be happy or choose to be sad."
"Happiness is a feeling."
"Happiness is something that is not real."
"Happiness is something you have to pursue, ie. The Pursuit of Happiness."
Again, these responses were being spewed as defense mechanisms. This reaction helped me to see why it was so difficult for these people to answer if they were happy or not, (in yes or no terms.)
I then turned the question onto myself,(as did one of the subjects asked) and my answer varied. I found that when I asked myself this question, I answered boldly with confidence. I had a one word answer, sweet and simple. Yet, when my subject asked, I had to give reason for the same answer that I gave to myself just moments before. It was as though I felt the urge to soften up my reply by giving specifics. As the day continued on, I honestly wanted to go back and tell the person who asked if I were happy to pretend as though they did not get the answer that I had given.
So what happened?
1. I became afraid that this person would be offended by my response. I did not want my happiness or unhappiness to unconsciously affect theirs.
2. I did not want to be misunderstood or judged by my answer.
3. I felt as though I had to protect my state of mind, my feeling (which is real to me) and my long pursuit of.
I believe that the many people I asked fell into one of these three above categories. We have learned from our past experiences that happiness is a temporary thing, so we best hold onto it tightly when it passes us by. But now it is up to us to unlearn the belief that tells us happiness is temporary or that if we do feel too much happiness; doom is lurking around the corner to steal it away and bring balance to us and the universe. That is a lie, so please do not believe it.
Counter react to the above categories.
1. Know that we are all responsible for our own happiness. My happiness or lack of can not change your state of happiness or unhappiness, and vice versa.
2. Your answer whether it be a yes or a no, is not a matter of being right or wrong. There is no one grading your response, so be honest with yourself and others.
3. Know that your happiness is already yours, it lives in your heart (the inside) and is shown through your actions (the outside), therefore it is already guarded and kept safe.
Your happiness is sacred, so I encourage you to become more like the psalmist and speak this prayer to yourself and the Lord everyday.
He says to himself, "Nothing will shake me; I'll always be happy and never have trouble." -Psalm 10:6
Now the next time that I or someone else asks you the simple question of whether you are happy or not, you can reply confidently with a YES or NO and know exactly why.
Recently, I have asked a number of people this simple three word question and the answers I got back raised an eyebrow.
I noticed that this question did not bear an easy one word reply of "yes" or "no" to which I was seeking to hear. Instead the answers unfolded fears, doubts and many explanations. It was almost as if the subjects thought I was being too personal or as if I were attempting to offend them.
To further understand why I could not receive a one word reply to this question, I followed it up with asking, "What is your definition of happiness?" Not to my surprise, I again received many different responses.
Here were a few of the more common definitions given:
"Happiness is a state of mind, I could choose to be happy or choose to be sad."
"Happiness is a feeling."
"Happiness is something that is not real."
"Happiness is something you have to pursue, ie. The Pursuit of Happiness."
Again, these responses were being spewed as defense mechanisms. This reaction helped me to see why it was so difficult for these people to answer if they were happy or not, (in yes or no terms.)
I then turned the question onto myself,(as did one of the subjects asked) and my answer varied. I found that when I asked myself this question, I answered boldly with confidence. I had a one word answer, sweet and simple. Yet, when my subject asked, I had to give reason for the same answer that I gave to myself just moments before. It was as though I felt the urge to soften up my reply by giving specifics. As the day continued on, I honestly wanted to go back and tell the person who asked if I were happy to pretend as though they did not get the answer that I had given.
So what happened?
1. I became afraid that this person would be offended by my response. I did not want my happiness or unhappiness to unconsciously affect theirs.
2. I did not want to be misunderstood or judged by my answer.
3. I felt as though I had to protect my state of mind, my feeling (which is real to me) and my long pursuit of.
I believe that the many people I asked fell into one of these three above categories. We have learned from our past experiences that happiness is a temporary thing, so we best hold onto it tightly when it passes us by. But now it is up to us to unlearn the belief that tells us happiness is temporary or that if we do feel too much happiness; doom is lurking around the corner to steal it away and bring balance to us and the universe. That is a lie, so please do not believe it.
Counter react to the above categories.
1. Know that we are all responsible for our own happiness. My happiness or lack of can not change your state of happiness or unhappiness, and vice versa.
2. Your answer whether it be a yes or a no, is not a matter of being right or wrong. There is no one grading your response, so be honest with yourself and others.
3. Know that your happiness is already yours, it lives in your heart (the inside) and is shown through your actions (the outside), therefore it is already guarded and kept safe.
Your happiness is sacred, so I encourage you to become more like the psalmist and speak this prayer to yourself and the Lord everyday.
He says to himself, "Nothing will shake me; I'll always be happy and never have trouble." -Psalm 10:6
Now the next time that I or someone else asks you the simple question of whether you are happy or not, you can reply confidently with a YES or NO and know exactly why.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Similar Difference
ALL love has this internal dynamic between TWOgetherness and ONEness, and independence and separateness. For a love affair to flourish, there have to be independent interests that can be shared, as well as interests that are the same.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Attitude of Excellence
As I took a look at a few of today's news headlines, I had come to the conclusion that many of us are not living up to our fullest potential. The disappointment and sadness I felt by reading about our current events, almost instantly reminded me of the poem I had written earlier this year for the home-going service for my grandfather.
My grandfather (Pop), was always challenging his friends and family to be the best that we could possibly be. In the times we live in many of us are exchanging our best for less. We are losing ourselves, our lives, our families and our positions to the ways of the world. To destruction.
I titled this, An Attitude of Excellence-which I had gotten from the book by Willie Jolley. Again, this is a personal piece because it was written for one of the greatest men that I have ever known. I believe so much in the message that he was bestowing upon us and I also believe that there are many other great men and women out there that have the ability to do and be better.
An Attitude of Excellence
Words of wisdom that encourages others to do their best,
To put on a "S" stamped vest and
To be sensible enough to know that yes,
We all do bleed,
But to be courageous enough to not follow and lead.
To believe,
Believe that if you think you are at your highest,
To soar higher,
Be an eagle, a flier;
You were not created to be a failure or a liar.
Press harder and do better.
Recognize that storms aren't nothing more than weather.
We are all human and it is written that:
We all fall short through our sin,
But continually drive in an effort to win.
So begin.....
Begin right now,
because Greatness is living inside of us all.
And excellence means not being afraid to fall.
If you do,
Just get up and do better.
Do better than what you are currently doing without delay,
Strive forward and keep pursuing it everyday.
Pop was a man of a few words,
meaning that he had to choose them carefully.
So prayerfully on his behalf,
I say to you no longer settle for only half.
"You got to do better than what you're doing."
Pop, thank you for the inspiration I needed to be able to share this poem with the masses. I know that through one person at a time, one act at a time, one word at a time, the world can be changed.
My grandfather (Pop), was always challenging his friends and family to be the best that we could possibly be. In the times we live in many of us are exchanging our best for less. We are losing ourselves, our lives, our families and our positions to the ways of the world. To destruction.
I titled this, An Attitude of Excellence-which I had gotten from the book by Willie Jolley. Again, this is a personal piece because it was written for one of the greatest men that I have ever known. I believe so much in the message that he was bestowing upon us and I also believe that there are many other great men and women out there that have the ability to do and be better.
An Attitude of Excellence
Words of wisdom that encourages others to do their best,
To put on a "S" stamped vest and
To be sensible enough to know that yes,
We all do bleed,
But to be courageous enough to not follow and lead.
To believe,
Believe that if you think you are at your highest,
To soar higher,
Be an eagle, a flier;
You were not created to be a failure or a liar.
Press harder and do better.
Recognize that storms aren't nothing more than weather.
We are all human and it is written that:
We all fall short through our sin,
But continually drive in an effort to win.
So begin.....
Begin right now,
because Greatness is living inside of us all.
And excellence means not being afraid to fall.
If you do,
Just get up and do better.
Do better than what you are currently doing without delay,
Strive forward and keep pursuing it everyday.
Pop was a man of a few words,
meaning that he had to choose them carefully.
So prayerfully on his behalf,
I say to you no longer settle for only half.
"You got to do better than what you're doing."
Pop, thank you for the inspiration I needed to be able to share this poem with the masses. I know that through one person at a time, one act at a time, one word at a time, the world can be changed.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Dear God Diaries
Dear God,
Today, I ask that you use me to spread your word. You have given me so many gifts and I want only to be able to pour my blessings into the lives of others. Where do I begin Abba?
With Dear God Diaries, You say?
You told me that if I write it that they would read it, so the work has been done on my part and now it is the time for my faith to be stretched.I know that you have chosen a group of individuals that are meant to read the stories you have sent for me to tell.
I will send this reminder of where and how the people can purchase a copy of my second published work. I will lead them into a place of promise; a place where they can escape into a world of short stories, scriptures and poetry.
Thank You Lord. May the glory be given back to You always and Forever....
Dear God Diaries is on sale for $19.99 in paperback or $9.99 in ebook format. It is available on-line at Pick up your copy today. For any questions, comments or concerns, you can leave a post here or send an email directly to
God has written each of us a story, what is yours?
Thanks and Love,
Kylah Lael (LaTisha Bullock)
Today, I ask that you use me to spread your word. You have given me so many gifts and I want only to be able to pour my blessings into the lives of others. Where do I begin Abba?
With Dear God Diaries, You say?
You told me that if I write it that they would read it, so the work has been done on my part and now it is the time for my faith to be stretched.I know that you have chosen a group of individuals that are meant to read the stories you have sent for me to tell.
I will send this reminder of where and how the people can purchase a copy of my second published work. I will lead them into a place of promise; a place where they can escape into a world of short stories, scriptures and poetry.
Thank You Lord. May the glory be given back to You always and Forever....
Dear God Diaries is on sale for $19.99 in paperback or $9.99 in ebook format. It is available on-line at Pick up your copy today. For any questions, comments or concerns, you can leave a post here or send an email directly to
God has written each of us a story, what is yours?
Thanks and Love,
Kylah Lael (LaTisha Bullock)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Looking for LOVE in all the wrong places..
Today one of the most profound thoughts had ran through my mind, it was so healing and refreshing to say the least...
God is love and He lives in each of us, therefore in essence, we too are love.
(Take a minute to think that over.)
Okay, so you and I have been looking for love in all the wrong places. We had sought it out in the means of intimate relationships, with males or even females. We tried to get another person to give to us what we can give to ourselves.
Now do not get me wrong, I am not relationship bashing (remember that I am in a thriving relationship myself) and I do believe that finding the person that you are most compatible with is highly rewarding. Happiness and fulfillment through constant contact and communication are the benefits of true commitment. Hell, it feels good being in love.
But when we begin to seek love only from outside sources such as people and things, then we forget that there is love living right within us. When this self love is not accessed, sadly, we forget that it is there.
How do I know that it becomes forgotten, because we begin to rely on that person or thing to be there to give us that love and connection consistently. An addiction is given birth and feelings of unhappiness, depression and/or immobility sets in when that "supplier" is not around and we are unable to get a "fix." Low self esteem and lack of confidence shows up because of the reliance on affirmations from something or someone outside of us and our Maker.
I am so happy and full of joy today because I am in love. I love Yahweh, I love myself and I love those that are in my life. So now when we are craving love, we do not have to demand it from others. We can look at the reflection in the mirror and whisper this sweet nothing to ourselves...
"Hey beautiful, I LOVE YOU."
God is love and He lives in each of us, therefore in essence, we too are love.
(Take a minute to think that over.)
Okay, so you and I have been looking for love in all the wrong places. We had sought it out in the means of intimate relationships, with males or even females. We tried to get another person to give to us what we can give to ourselves.
Now do not get me wrong, I am not relationship bashing (remember that I am in a thriving relationship myself) and I do believe that finding the person that you are most compatible with is highly rewarding. Happiness and fulfillment through constant contact and communication are the benefits of true commitment. Hell, it feels good being in love.
But when we begin to seek love only from outside sources such as people and things, then we forget that there is love living right within us. When this self love is not accessed, sadly, we forget that it is there.
How do I know that it becomes forgotten, because we begin to rely on that person or thing to be there to give us that love and connection consistently. An addiction is given birth and feelings of unhappiness, depression and/or immobility sets in when that "supplier" is not around and we are unable to get a "fix." Low self esteem and lack of confidence shows up because of the reliance on affirmations from something or someone outside of us and our Maker.
I am so happy and full of joy today because I am in love. I love Yahweh, I love myself and I love those that are in my life. So now when we are craving love, we do not have to demand it from others. We can look at the reflection in the mirror and whisper this sweet nothing to ourselves...
"Hey beautiful, I LOVE YOU."
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I promise myself...
To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet.
To make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature I meet.
To give so much time to improving myself that I have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words, but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side, so long as I am true to the best that is in me.
-Christian D Larson 1912
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet.
To make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature I meet.
To give so much time to improving myself that I have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words, but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side, so long as I am true to the best that is in me.
-Christian D Larson 1912
Friday, August 13, 2010
So this is LoVe? or is it Infatuation?? conclusion
I know that I promised you a three part series on the topic of So this is Love? or is it Infatuation?? Now after the much needed rest, I will bring this subject to a conclusion. I hope that this will allow you to see where you have been, where you are or possibly where you are going within your own intimate relationships.
So this is...Really up to you??
We started this journey by breaking down the difference between LOVE and INFATUATION based off of the biblical instructions given to us. Depending on one's preception it is likely that infatuation could be judged as something that is unfavorable. I do not believe that this is neccessarily true and I'll explain.
As I touched upon in pt. 2, infatuation above all else is short lived. This is the most grandest aspect of actually being infatuated. Being that infatuation is temporary it would be beneficial to us to view it as a season. The existence of the negative prospects of infatuation arise because we do not recognize when the season of infatuation has ended.
As it was stated by King Solomon in Ecclessiastes 3, 'There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the sun.' This includes the sensations and pleasures we receive from being infatuated.
There are plenty of healthy relationships that are birthed through infatuation's presence at the beginning of the relationship. The survival numbers are a rare statistic because more times than not, infatuation grows into a way of feeling, a way of thinking, a way of acting and eventually and sadly a way of believing. Once this takes place, all of what I had shown and expressed in the earlier posts begin to set in. You have to remember that whatever you begin to feel, think, act and do is who you become.-(Re-read 7 steps to fulfilling your destiny for a refresher on that.)
With our Creator knowing us all so well, He sent others before us to lead the way for us. He knew that it was imperative to teach His children in detail about what LOVE is and also to explain to us that there is a time for everything. Each of these lessons have significant distance from where they are placed in the Bible but they can be practiced under the same principles. It is all relevant. I do not know if you at all feel the way that I do right now but this is a great place to praise God for His awesomeness. (hand clap)
With that being said, I hope that what you have learned through this trilogy is that YES, there is a difference between love and infatuation. Yet, there is also a similarity between the two and that is that they are both a CHOICE. The beauty is that you get to choose. You can either choose to use the wisdom of Solomon, the faithfulness of Paul, the giftings of yours truly along the presence of God to decide what is best for you and your soul.
I am able to answer the question that was posed to me ("What is the difference between LOVE and INFATUATION?") but I challenge you to ask the question to yourself BUT do not just leave it there. Answer it and be totally honest with yourself because these are my testaments and I know what I have chosen, what are yours?
So this is...Really up to you??
We started this journey by breaking down the difference between LOVE and INFATUATION based off of the biblical instructions given to us. Depending on one's preception it is likely that infatuation could be judged as something that is unfavorable. I do not believe that this is neccessarily true and I'll explain.
As I touched upon in pt. 2, infatuation above all else is short lived. This is the most grandest aspect of actually being infatuated. Being that infatuation is temporary it would be beneficial to us to view it as a season. The existence of the negative prospects of infatuation arise because we do not recognize when the season of infatuation has ended.
As it was stated by King Solomon in Ecclessiastes 3, 'There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the sun.' This includes the sensations and pleasures we receive from being infatuated.
There are plenty of healthy relationships that are birthed through infatuation's presence at the beginning of the relationship. The survival numbers are a rare statistic because more times than not, infatuation grows into a way of feeling, a way of thinking, a way of acting and eventually and sadly a way of believing. Once this takes place, all of what I had shown and expressed in the earlier posts begin to set in. You have to remember that whatever you begin to feel, think, act and do is who you become.-(Re-read 7 steps to fulfilling your destiny for a refresher on that.)
With our Creator knowing us all so well, He sent others before us to lead the way for us. He knew that it was imperative to teach His children in detail about what LOVE is and also to explain to us that there is a time for everything. Each of these lessons have significant distance from where they are placed in the Bible but they can be practiced under the same principles. It is all relevant. I do not know if you at all feel the way that I do right now but this is a great place to praise God for His awesomeness. (hand clap)
With that being said, I hope that what you have learned through this trilogy is that YES, there is a difference between love and infatuation. Yet, there is also a similarity between the two and that is that they are both a CHOICE. The beauty is that you get to choose. You can either choose to use the wisdom of Solomon, the faithfulness of Paul, the giftings of yours truly along the presence of God to decide what is best for you and your soul.
I am able to answer the question that was posed to me ("What is the difference between LOVE and INFATUATION?") but I challenge you to ask the question to yourself BUT do not just leave it there. Answer it and be totally honest with yourself because these are my testaments and I know what I have chosen, what are yours?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
...and I am better than ever.
I hope that you missed me just as much as I missed you all.
I had a rejuvenating 21 days away and I was blessed with many revelations. This break had been in the making for quite awhile now and it was necessary for me to determine where I was headed in the future.
The time away was not only from my readers but also from the man that I write about quite often. I want you to know that great effort was put into successfully completing this and seeing it to the end. Because of the diligence and preseverance put forth, I have great news that I want to share with the world.
The love of my life and I have come to a mutual agreement to take our relationship to a new height. We took this time away from one another to hear directly from God and believe it or not; that is exactly what took place. The two of us went before Him on bended knees as individuals and we rose and now we are standing together as a couple.
The two of us have been faced with many trials but as the righteous we came out victoriously. The enemy came at us with much force and with many different faces over these last two years but God's purpose was triumphant. The love and connection that we have for each other was obvious from the moment that our eyes connected with one another.
I believe that prayer and time are able to heal all wounds. This process took us stepping outside of our old mindsets and putting away our childish behaviors in order to walk into this newness. We have learned from our many mistakes and through patience God has heard our prayers and granted us a second chance with a new beginning. (8/7/2010-Our rebirth)
Unfortunately, not everyone will be thrilled about our plans because sadly there were some who were praying against us. But as it is stated in Romans 8:31, "if GOD is for US who can be against us?"
Despite what the odds may be, I ask you for your prayers. If you do not mind pray a little prayer for us having a fresh start, a long journey and a happy ending.
Personally, I am so grateful to call him mines and ecstatic that he can call me his AGAIN.
Praise Yahweh.
I hope that you missed me just as much as I missed you all.
I had a rejuvenating 21 days away and I was blessed with many revelations. This break had been in the making for quite awhile now and it was necessary for me to determine where I was headed in the future.
The time away was not only from my readers but also from the man that I write about quite often. I want you to know that great effort was put into successfully completing this and seeing it to the end. Because of the diligence and preseverance put forth, I have great news that I want to share with the world.
The love of my life and I have come to a mutual agreement to take our relationship to a new height. We took this time away from one another to hear directly from God and believe it or not; that is exactly what took place. The two of us went before Him on bended knees as individuals and we rose and now we are standing together as a couple.
The two of us have been faced with many trials but as the righteous we came out victoriously. The enemy came at us with much force and with many different faces over these last two years but God's purpose was triumphant. The love and connection that we have for each other was obvious from the moment that our eyes connected with one another.
I believe that prayer and time are able to heal all wounds. This process took us stepping outside of our old mindsets and putting away our childish behaviors in order to walk into this newness. We have learned from our many mistakes and through patience God has heard our prayers and granted us a second chance with a new beginning. (8/7/2010-Our rebirth)
Unfortunately, not everyone will be thrilled about our plans because sadly there were some who were praying against us. But as it is stated in Romans 8:31, "if GOD is for US who can be against us?"
Despite what the odds may be, I ask you for your prayers. If you do not mind pray a little prayer for us having a fresh start, a long journey and a happy ending.
Personally, I am so grateful to call him mines and ecstatic that he can call me his AGAIN.
Praise Yahweh.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
So this is LoVe? or is it Infatuation?? pt.2
So now that we have explored the meaning of LOVE. I am now going to attempt in my best efforts to shine an understanding on what INFATUATION is. Understand that my purpose in doing this is because often so many of us are experiencing feelings of infatuation with those that we claim to love.
Given the same biblical guidelines that we covered in pt. 1 we will approach it in the same manner. So I ask the question again that was asked to me, "What is the difference between LOVE and INFATUATION?"
So this is Infatuation?...
Infatuation does not have the ability to wait. It is moved by the moment and it is hurried by its emotions. Infatuation does not allow the natural progression to take place within its relationships. Infatuation seeks a destination (often marriage for most) rather than genuinely enjoying the journey with the other person. Infatuation moves out of season and acts prematurely.
Infatuation hears but does not take the time to listen. Infatuation is argumentative and oppositional with their partner. Infatuation is mean spirited and is often cheap and tight. Infatuation driven parties are intense and hard-skinned.
Infatuation is possessive and jealous. It is full of insecurities because it is rarely content in with what it has. Infatuation wants more for itself but places restrictions on the lives of their partners. Infatuation does not know the other person well enough, which is why it is distraught by petty issues.
Infatuation is overly confident in itself. It is loud and rambunctious with its attempts to gather others to join its bandwagon. It is constantly seeking approval and by doing such it convinces itself that it is better than others. Infatuation holds its head to the sky with thoughts of self and its head is only lowered when it is looking down upon others.
With similarities of being boastful, infatuation is also prideful. Infatuation believes that it knows all, therefore, its growth is consequently stunted. Infatuation can hear the voice of God within them and also from others but is reluctant to change. Infatuation is stuck in its ways because it is firm that its ways are what is best.
Infatuation is harsh and abrasive. It is impolite and disorderly because it disregards civility. Its driving force is not based on peaceful outcomes and acts out as such with crude behaviors.
In direct contrast to love, infatuation is selfishness in its absolute form. Infatuation seeks pleasure for itself. Infatuation will do for the other only to bring gratification to itself. It does not do things without looking for something in return. Infatuation has its hand out because it always wants and it always will take whatever it is given.
Infatuation has a short fuse that goes off often when it does not receive what benefits it. It is easily offended because it is always in defense. Infatuation is weak and feeble. It is afraid of being vulnerable in front of others.
Infatuation holds on to disappointments and failures. It is very judgmental and does not take others off of the hook. Infatuation lives by fairy tale standards and holds their partners to that image. Infatuation becomes bitter by its inability to forgive. Anger is regularly a choice by infatuation.
Infatuation is cloaked in fantasy. Based off of its sheer self-centeredness, infatuation is of the flesh. It seeks pleasure foremost and will ignore the morality or ethics to fulfill this desire.
Infatuation is only concerned with protecting itself. In prayer, infatuation will go before God with a wish list with extensive use of the pronouns such as me and I. It is unstable, shaky and insecure. Infatuation is immature and not properly grown. It does not have the capabilities to provide protection because it is ill equipped.
Since infatuation is based off of falsehoods, it is impossible to trust anyone or anything because it can not believe in its own self. Infatuation is a facade and is dishonest. What it is, is what it gives out. Infatuation is panicky and anxious, it is afraid of being seen and figured out and so it wears a mask that we tend to call love.
Infatuation's only hope is the hope that this feeling will never end. It has limited aspiration and unlimited expiration. It becomes its own god and lives through its revelations that are technically adolescent imaginations. Infatuation only sees with their natural eyes and not with their spiritual ones. What is impossible with infatuation is also impossible with God.
Infatuation can not weather the storm. In the face of difficulties, challenges and adversities, infatuation fades and then once the smoke clears it is completely gone. It can not handle differences and imperfections.
Above all else, infatuation is short lived. It is a temporary passion filled moment in time birthed by intense physical affections. Unfortunately, for infatuation, it was written in Proverbs that beauty is fleeting and thus so are the effects of infatuation. Infatuation is merely just a beginning without a finality.
Given the same biblical guidelines that we covered in pt. 1 we will approach it in the same manner. So I ask the question again that was asked to me, "What is the difference between LOVE and INFATUATION?"
So this is Infatuation?...
Infatuation does not have the ability to wait. It is moved by the moment and it is hurried by its emotions. Infatuation does not allow the natural progression to take place within its relationships. Infatuation seeks a destination (often marriage for most) rather than genuinely enjoying the journey with the other person. Infatuation moves out of season and acts prematurely.
Infatuation hears but does not take the time to listen. Infatuation is argumentative and oppositional with their partner. Infatuation is mean spirited and is often cheap and tight. Infatuation driven parties are intense and hard-skinned.
Infatuation is possessive and jealous. It is full of insecurities because it is rarely content in with what it has. Infatuation wants more for itself but places restrictions on the lives of their partners. Infatuation does not know the other person well enough, which is why it is distraught by petty issues.
Infatuation is overly confident in itself. It is loud and rambunctious with its attempts to gather others to join its bandwagon. It is constantly seeking approval and by doing such it convinces itself that it is better than others. Infatuation holds its head to the sky with thoughts of self and its head is only lowered when it is looking down upon others.
With similarities of being boastful, infatuation is also prideful. Infatuation believes that it knows all, therefore, its growth is consequently stunted. Infatuation can hear the voice of God within them and also from others but is reluctant to change. Infatuation is stuck in its ways because it is firm that its ways are what is best.
Infatuation is harsh and abrasive. It is impolite and disorderly because it disregards civility. Its driving force is not based on peaceful outcomes and acts out as such with crude behaviors.
In direct contrast to love, infatuation is selfishness in its absolute form. Infatuation seeks pleasure for itself. Infatuation will do for the other only to bring gratification to itself. It does not do things without looking for something in return. Infatuation has its hand out because it always wants and it always will take whatever it is given.
Infatuation has a short fuse that goes off often when it does not receive what benefits it. It is easily offended because it is always in defense. Infatuation is weak and feeble. It is afraid of being vulnerable in front of others.
Infatuation holds on to disappointments and failures. It is very judgmental and does not take others off of the hook. Infatuation lives by fairy tale standards and holds their partners to that image. Infatuation becomes bitter by its inability to forgive. Anger is regularly a choice by infatuation.
Infatuation is cloaked in fantasy. Based off of its sheer self-centeredness, infatuation is of the flesh. It seeks pleasure foremost and will ignore the morality or ethics to fulfill this desire.
Infatuation is only concerned with protecting itself. In prayer, infatuation will go before God with a wish list with extensive use of the pronouns such as me and I. It is unstable, shaky and insecure. Infatuation is immature and not properly grown. It does not have the capabilities to provide protection because it is ill equipped.
Since infatuation is based off of falsehoods, it is impossible to trust anyone or anything because it can not believe in its own self. Infatuation is a facade and is dishonest. What it is, is what it gives out. Infatuation is panicky and anxious, it is afraid of being seen and figured out and so it wears a mask that we tend to call love.
Infatuation's only hope is the hope that this feeling will never end. It has limited aspiration and unlimited expiration. It becomes its own god and lives through its revelations that are technically adolescent imaginations. Infatuation only sees with their natural eyes and not with their spiritual ones. What is impossible with infatuation is also impossible with God.
Infatuation can not weather the storm. In the face of difficulties, challenges and adversities, infatuation fades and then once the smoke clears it is completely gone. It can not handle differences and imperfections.
Above all else, infatuation is short lived. It is a temporary passion filled moment in time birthed by intense physical affections. Unfortunately, for infatuation, it was written in Proverbs that beauty is fleeting and thus so are the effects of infatuation. Infatuation is merely just a beginning without a finality.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Back in 10
One of the worst feelings, is one that comes when you reach the entrance of your favorite store only to find a handwritten note posted on the door that reads, BACK IN 10.
It is usually there on one of those days where you had limited time to spare. When you just needed to pick up an item briefly. It is there on those days when you knew exactly what you needed and exactly where it was located in the store. You mapped out your entire route to get you there and back with time left over.
But there it is...
An empty store with no one in sight and that note which is often written on a napkin saying how the clerk had to momentarily step away. Yes, I understand fully that when nature calls, we must answer. I get it! I totally empathize with the busy clerk who had no one else to cover for him.
So much to my dismay, I as well have to leave a back in 10 notice on the front door of this store. I'm aware that many of my readers come here to browse around my thoughts and take a stroll through my perceptions, imaginations, experiences and ideas.
Recently, I have come to a point in my life where I must walk through certain doors and face certain obstacles and there is no one to cover me on that end or on this one. When the Lord loves you, He will make sure you take the necessary steps that He needs you to take in order to fulfill the purpose on your life.
I love So this is LoVe and I love how it frees me to be me and I love the overwhelming feeling I get in knowing that I am possibly helping others. I am in no way saying that I will not return to this site, just as the clerk is not saying that store permanently went out of business.
I will be back in 10!!!
Nature is naturally calling me and that is requiring all of my attention, it is requiring that I step outside of myself and push further than I have before. There is power awaiting me and I have to receive it by giving it my all.
So, to all my So this is LoVe lovers. I shall return. In the meantime, I ask that you stay connected to the Truth. Whenever needed, please feel free to re-read through the previous posts and if you chose, leave comments.
It is usually there on one of those days where you had limited time to spare. When you just needed to pick up an item briefly. It is there on those days when you knew exactly what you needed and exactly where it was located in the store. You mapped out your entire route to get you there and back with time left over.
But there it is...
An empty store with no one in sight and that note which is often written on a napkin saying how the clerk had to momentarily step away. Yes, I understand fully that when nature calls, we must answer. I get it! I totally empathize with the busy clerk who had no one else to cover for him.
So much to my dismay, I as well have to leave a back in 10 notice on the front door of this store. I'm aware that many of my readers come here to browse around my thoughts and take a stroll through my perceptions, imaginations, experiences and ideas.
Recently, I have come to a point in my life where I must walk through certain doors and face certain obstacles and there is no one to cover me on that end or on this one. When the Lord loves you, He will make sure you take the necessary steps that He needs you to take in order to fulfill the purpose on your life.
I love So this is LoVe and I love how it frees me to be me and I love the overwhelming feeling I get in knowing that I am possibly helping others. I am in no way saying that I will not return to this site, just as the clerk is not saying that store permanently went out of business.
I will be back in 10!!!
Nature is naturally calling me and that is requiring all of my attention, it is requiring that I step outside of myself and push further than I have before. There is power awaiting me and I have to receive it by giving it my all.
So, to all my So this is LoVe lovers. I shall return. In the meantime, I ask that you stay connected to the Truth. Whenever needed, please feel free to re-read through the previous posts and if you chose, leave comments.
Monday, July 12, 2010
So this is LoVe? or is it Infatuation?? pt.1
I was asked, "What is the difference between LOVE and INFATUATION?"
Full of confidence I answered, "Well, you know, love can not be defined for what it is because it is different for all people. On the other hand, it can be defined by what we know that it is not. Thus, infatuation is everything that we know love is not."
The question was so prevalent that to fully show the significant difference it will take us going beyond the surface. In this three part series I will expose exactly what LOVE and INFATUATION is and just how easily we often confuse the two.
So this is Love?...
The word patient explains to us that love endures situations that will bring forth pain, suffering and difficulty with calmness. Being patient in love means pressing forth together in the face of adversity. Being patient in love requires constant communication, understanding and an acceptance that God will lead the way.
Kindness is an expression of generosity and warmness. Love is being agreeable with your partner, even if that means sometimes having to agree to disagree. Being kind in love means being gentle and tender with the life of another.
Love is not jealous or insecure in what it knows is rightfully theirs. Love is content with all that it possesses and it is joyous about the qualities of others. Love looks with thanksgiving at what is in its own hands and not at what is in their neighbors. Love does not envy because love knows that each of us have been purposely placed according to the will of God, so therefore, we have no cause to want the position or possessions of another.
Love needs not to brag of itself in a prideful manner. Love is silent confidence, it does not boast because love knows its self worth and value and is internally glorified in that alone. Love does not boast or become conceited because it does not need the approval of others.
Love is not proud because it is not prideful. Love has the ability to be taught and has the desire to grow. Love is not arrogant because in our loftiness we are never higher than the One above. Love is humble and humbling. Remember, the meek shall inherit the earth.
Love is gracious and not rough. Love listens to the God in others, young and old. Love allows compromise and its roots are planted firm in peace. Love respects order and civility. Love in its naked form is not cruel.
Love is selfless and is not selfish. Love is putting the best interest of others before your own. It is courteous and thrives off of giving rather than receiving. Love is of the spirit and is not of the flesh. Love volunteers, love mentors, love donates, love does without expectation of a return.
Love commits to a resolve. Love adds and multiples as opposed to subtracting and dividing. It welcomes disagreements as opportunities to become closer. Love is not hostile or quick tempered. Love is accepting the other for who they were, who they are and who they are to come. Trying to change someone is where most of our anger exist.
Love forgives. Love knows that we are all human and are prone to making mistakes but walks under the teachings of Jesus. Love does not forget but it also does not throw the past into the present. Love looks forward in faith and not behind in fear. Love is honest about its imperfections so it does not judge others on theirs.
Love loves righteousness and is motivated by being morally strong and good. Love is knowing that sin lives within us but choosing life over death. Love fights for a greater purpose beyond its own being. It lives, loves, speaks, and walks in reality. Love does not survive on falsities created in a realm of fantasy, it is honest.
Love means praying fervently for one another because love guards the heart of others as well as itself. It also keeps their mates soul in tact. Love defends and assists in all areas. Love provides safety and comfort.
Love says what it means and means what it says. Love's yes is its yes and its no is its no. Love is not double minded or doubtful it is free of suspicions and assumptions. Love is not afraid to be led or walk into the unknown. Love is faithful and it is real.
Love is optimistic about its expectations of the future. It is a source of positive energies. Love sets goals and takes all necessary steps with confidence towards achieving them. Love is believing that God really does know the desires of our hearts and responds to the world accordingly. Love is having wholehearted assurance and faith.
Love is persistent and diligent in the face of obstacles. Love stands firm and puts forth a constant effort towards the plan and purpose of God. Love does not give up, quit, or walk away. Love loves the development of its character and understands that learning is a life long process and love does not despise the process.
Above it all, love stands the test of time. Love is heaven sent and heaven bound. It is endless. It is perfection. Love is God.
Full of confidence I answered, "Well, you know, love can not be defined for what it is because it is different for all people. On the other hand, it can be defined by what we know that it is not. Thus, infatuation is everything that we know love is not."
The question was so prevalent that to fully show the significant difference it will take us going beyond the surface. In this three part series I will expose exactly what LOVE and INFATUATION is and just how easily we often confuse the two.
So this is Love?...
The word patient explains to us that love endures situations that will bring forth pain, suffering and difficulty with calmness. Being patient in love means pressing forth together in the face of adversity. Being patient in love requires constant communication, understanding and an acceptance that God will lead the way.
Kindness is an expression of generosity and warmness. Love is being agreeable with your partner, even if that means sometimes having to agree to disagree. Being kind in love means being gentle and tender with the life of another.
Love is not jealous or insecure in what it knows is rightfully theirs. Love is content with all that it possesses and it is joyous about the qualities of others. Love looks with thanksgiving at what is in its own hands and not at what is in their neighbors. Love does not envy because love knows that each of us have been purposely placed according to the will of God, so therefore, we have no cause to want the position or possessions of another.
Love needs not to brag of itself in a prideful manner. Love is silent confidence, it does not boast because love knows its self worth and value and is internally glorified in that alone. Love does not boast or become conceited because it does not need the approval of others.
Love is not proud because it is not prideful. Love has the ability to be taught and has the desire to grow. Love is not arrogant because in our loftiness we are never higher than the One above. Love is humble and humbling. Remember, the meek shall inherit the earth.
Love is gracious and not rough. Love listens to the God in others, young and old. Love allows compromise and its roots are planted firm in peace. Love respects order and civility. Love in its naked form is not cruel.
Love is selfless and is not selfish. Love is putting the best interest of others before your own. It is courteous and thrives off of giving rather than receiving. Love is of the spirit and is not of the flesh. Love volunteers, love mentors, love donates, love does without expectation of a return.
Love commits to a resolve. Love adds and multiples as opposed to subtracting and dividing. It welcomes disagreements as opportunities to become closer. Love is not hostile or quick tempered. Love is accepting the other for who they were, who they are and who they are to come. Trying to change someone is where most of our anger exist.
Love forgives. Love knows that we are all human and are prone to making mistakes but walks under the teachings of Jesus. Love does not forget but it also does not throw the past into the present. Love looks forward in faith and not behind in fear. Love is honest about its imperfections so it does not judge others on theirs.
Love loves righteousness and is motivated by being morally strong and good. Love is knowing that sin lives within us but choosing life over death. Love fights for a greater purpose beyond its own being. It lives, loves, speaks, and walks in reality. Love does not survive on falsities created in a realm of fantasy, it is honest.
Love means praying fervently for one another because love guards the heart of others as well as itself. It also keeps their mates soul in tact. Love defends and assists in all areas. Love provides safety and comfort.
Love says what it means and means what it says. Love's yes is its yes and its no is its no. Love is not double minded or doubtful it is free of suspicions and assumptions. Love is not afraid to be led or walk into the unknown. Love is faithful and it is real.
Love is optimistic about its expectations of the future. It is a source of positive energies. Love sets goals and takes all necessary steps with confidence towards achieving them. Love is believing that God really does know the desires of our hearts and responds to the world accordingly. Love is having wholehearted assurance and faith.
Love is persistent and diligent in the face of obstacles. Love stands firm and puts forth a constant effort towards the plan and purpose of God. Love does not give up, quit, or walk away. Love loves the development of its character and understands that learning is a life long process and love does not despise the process.
Above it all, love stands the test of time. Love is heaven sent and heaven bound. It is endless. It is perfection. Love is God.
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Fine Print
This spectacular package of love called ME, requires that you read the fine print carefully.
Meaning that I come with instructions to 'Handle with Care.'
Proverbs 4:23- Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
The HEART is the wellspring of life, therefore it is necessary that it stays protected. Like many others, I too have had my share of disappointments, of heart breaks, and upsets. I was more focused on defending and defining myself rather than guarding what was sacred. But...
Meaning that I come with instructions to 'Handle with Care.'
I Corinthians 6:19- Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.
The BODY is a temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore it is necessary that it stays in optimal condition. Like many others, I too have had my share of fad diets, drugs use, and tattoos. I was more focused on instant gratification rather than maintaining a vessel worthy of housing my Comforter. But...
Meaning that I come with instructions to 'Handle with Care.'
Ezekiel 18:4- For every living soul belongs to me, the father as well as the son— both alike belong to me. The soul who sins is the one who will die.
The living SOUL within me has an owner, therefore, it is necessary that I not give it away to death. Like many others, I too have had my share of temptations, low points, and wicked behaviors. I was more focused on functioning in the pains rather than in the promises. But...
Meaning that I come with instructions to 'Handle with Care.'
And that is exactly what I have been doing. I went before my Maker and He graciously provided me with a copy of His owner's manual. From that day forth, I have been handling myself with care. I value my value and those around me are expected to do the same.
Because see, I am custom made and I know that not everyone reads the fine print and therefore, they miss out and lose their goods.
Meaning that I come with instructions to 'Handle with Care.'
Proverbs 4:23- Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
The HEART is the wellspring of life, therefore it is necessary that it stays protected. Like many others, I too have had my share of disappointments, of heart breaks, and upsets. I was more focused on defending and defining myself rather than guarding what was sacred. But...
Meaning that I come with instructions to 'Handle with Care.'
I Corinthians 6:19- Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.
The BODY is a temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore it is necessary that it stays in optimal condition. Like many others, I too have had my share of fad diets, drugs use, and tattoos. I was more focused on instant gratification rather than maintaining a vessel worthy of housing my Comforter. But...
Meaning that I come with instructions to 'Handle with Care.'
Ezekiel 18:4- For every living soul belongs to me, the father as well as the son— both alike belong to me. The soul who sins is the one who will die.
The living SOUL within me has an owner, therefore, it is necessary that I not give it away to death. Like many others, I too have had my share of temptations, low points, and wicked behaviors. I was more focused on functioning in the pains rather than in the promises. But...
Meaning that I come with instructions to 'Handle with Care.'
And that is exactly what I have been doing. I went before my Maker and He graciously provided me with a copy of His owner's manual. From that day forth, I have been handling myself with care. I value my value and those around me are expected to do the same.
Because see, I am custom made and I know that not everyone reads the fine print and therefore, they miss out and lose their goods.
Friday, July 2, 2010
An Ode to Rose
Rose is red,
And I'm no longer blue.
The tears have dried up,
And it's all because of you.
Thanks Rosie Livingston. Today was a rough day and you mellowed it all out for me.
And I'm no longer blue.
The tears have dried up,
And it's all because of you.
Thanks Rosie Livingston. Today was a rough day and you mellowed it all out for me.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Death of a Writer
"The dress code is business casual", she said looking at me from across what appeared to be a mile long desk.
I sorrowfully bowed my head in agreement.
As I walked out of the 12 story building and headed out to my car, I was suddenly awakened with the epiphany of....
Working a 9-5 kills one's CREATIVITY!!! I'm so not cut out for the corporate world.
I sorrowfully bowed my head in agreement.
As I walked out of the 12 story building and headed out to my car, I was suddenly awakened with the epiphany of....
Working a 9-5 kills one's CREATIVITY!!! I'm so not cut out for the corporate world.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
7 steps to fulfilling your destiny
I always wanted to write an article that gave instructions in the "step by step" format so I'm quite giddy about this being my first one and I believe what we will touch upon is so informative and powerful so please continue on...
"The word of God will produce the way you THINK. The way you think will produce the way you FEEL. The way you feel will produce the DECISIONS you make. The decisions you make will produce the ACTIONS you take. The actions you take will produce the HABITS you create. The habits you create will produce the CHARACTER you have....The character you have will produce the DESTINY you fulfill!"
This quote is what it takes to become the people that God is calling us to be. The problem is that we all do not adapt to these guidelines. So I decided to break this quote down to give us a better approach at getting here as a whole.
STEP ONE: The word of God will produce the way you THINK.
We all have one, and if we do not then we should have a version of the Bible. Most of us can locate and obtain one from our local dollar store for a mere buck. The trick now my friend is to not just own one but to open it up. It is imperative to spend time reading the word of God in order to know who He is and what He requires of his people. The word of God is living so once you do begin to read it; it will begin to stay with you. Thus, producing the way you THINK. Simple enough I think, so your homework assignment for today is to get your hands on a Bible and READ IT. It is a known fact that if you read the Bible for 30 minutes every day that you will complete it in its entirety within a year. I think God is worthy of at least 30 minutes of your 24 hour day; DO YOU??
STEP TWO: The way you think will produce the way you FEEL.
This is challenging especially if we do not engage in the first step. Our thoughts have so much influence over how we feel, have you ever had an awful thought and then your mood changed? For instance, this very morning I woke up with unpleasant thoughts and I became disturbed by these images. A few moments later I received a phone call from the person that was included in those thoughts, and although we were on the phone and I thought that I was being kind to them, yet they were able to sense something in my tone. After hanging up, I took the time to evaluate my mood and what exactly this person was speaking of. What I had noticed is that because I had produced these thoughts in my subconscious, I took it out on the person in my conscious state. If, I had continued to let those unpleasant thoughts plague me then I would have stolen the joy from my own day. When you begin to feel that your thoughts are overwhelming you, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS revert to step one.
STEP THREE: The way you feel will produce the DECISIONS you make.
Emotions are "mental" states and the way that we react to these conditions factor in on decision making. The other day a friend of mines was explaining how someone was making her so angry she wanted to get into a physical confrontation with this person. I told her that no one can ever make you that angry; only she can. When her mental state is signaling feelings of anger, she could make the decision to diffuse it quickly, or she could choose to get into an altercation with this person, either way it is a decision, a choice. The same is true for positive feelings, as well. I know that there is a cliche that states, "You can not help who you love". Well that is erroneous because LOVE also is a choice and that is why Jesus deemed it necessary to love others. He was saying to us to CHOOSE to love one another. He was saying to us to make a decision on this God given feeling.... Think about that a bit before moving on to the next step for me.
STEP FOUR: The decisions you make will produce the ACTIONS you take.
When you make a decision, you move on it. Because this step is so obvious and closely related to step three, I'm going to proceed to the next one.
STEP FIVE: The actions you take will produce the HABITS you create.
If, we constantly take these actions they will eventually become patterns of behavior. Without notice, these learned behaviors with become habitual and will be done without awareness. It takes at least 21 days to create and/or break a habit, so invest in doing something you do not mind having become a part of your life.
STEP SIX: The habits you create will produce the CHARACTER you have.
Our character is who we are, it is not like our personalities, which tend, to change because the character is based off of our core values that exhibit our qualities as a person. Our characters are accumulated off of all of the above (thoughts, values, words, and actions.) The repetition of our habits, again, good or bad will develop these core values. If I developed a habit of nail biting in my childhood, then when I have a child it is highly probable that I will not recommend my child not to bite their nails because my belief says that there is nothing wrong with it. If my grandmother were a virgin until married and my mother were a virgin until marriage and I married without having sexual relations. I will most likely teach my children to abstain from sex until married. So on and so on; all based off of my core values. The point here is that even small things that we tend to do will influence who we become.
STEP SEVEN: The character you have will produce the DESTINY you fulfill.
Before, I continue to do with this step I want to start it off with giving you the definition of what the word destiny means. (taken from The American Heritage Dictionary)
noun. 1. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot.
2. A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control.
3. The power or agency thought to predetermine events.
According to these definitions one's destiny is something that is beyond us, in other words, I would say that our destiny are God orchestrated events that we have no control over. Our destiny is His purpose. The steps above are our keys to successfully fulfilling and completing what God has sent each of us here to do. My destiny (predetermined events) will look different from yours and yours from mines, but the goal is to fulfill it. For example, I explained to a friend the other day that God has an individual plan for each of us, and through the Bible He teaches each one of us how to achieve it. He is so magnanimous that He tells us what the plan is, and He also tells us how to get there, we as humans however have the ability to alter that course. Regardless of whether or not we get to that plan broken and/or ragged or full of the power that we could have gained through following God's instruction, we will eventually get there.
So as a conclusion, I say follow the steps and fulfill your destiny with the least amount of bruises and blemishes. It is going to take all that you have in order to serve God for an eternity. Remember that this time here on earth is only preparation for your after life, so I'll be praying for you and myself alike. Praise Yahweh.
"The word of God will produce the way you THINK. The way you think will produce the way you FEEL. The way you feel will produce the DECISIONS you make. The decisions you make will produce the ACTIONS you take. The actions you take will produce the HABITS you create. The habits you create will produce the CHARACTER you have....The character you have will produce the DESTINY you fulfill!"
This quote is what it takes to become the people that God is calling us to be. The problem is that we all do not adapt to these guidelines. So I decided to break this quote down to give us a better approach at getting here as a whole.
STEP ONE: The word of God will produce the way you THINK.
We all have one, and if we do not then we should have a version of the Bible. Most of us can locate and obtain one from our local dollar store for a mere buck. The trick now my friend is to not just own one but to open it up. It is imperative to spend time reading the word of God in order to know who He is and what He requires of his people. The word of God is living so once you do begin to read it; it will begin to stay with you. Thus, producing the way you THINK. Simple enough I think, so your homework assignment for today is to get your hands on a Bible and READ IT. It is a known fact that if you read the Bible for 30 minutes every day that you will complete it in its entirety within a year. I think God is worthy of at least 30 minutes of your 24 hour day; DO YOU??
STEP TWO: The way you think will produce the way you FEEL.
This is challenging especially if we do not engage in the first step. Our thoughts have so much influence over how we feel, have you ever had an awful thought and then your mood changed? For instance, this very morning I woke up with unpleasant thoughts and I became disturbed by these images. A few moments later I received a phone call from the person that was included in those thoughts, and although we were on the phone and I thought that I was being kind to them, yet they were able to sense something in my tone. After hanging up, I took the time to evaluate my mood and what exactly this person was speaking of. What I had noticed is that because I had produced these thoughts in my subconscious, I took it out on the person in my conscious state. If, I had continued to let those unpleasant thoughts plague me then I would have stolen the joy from my own day. When you begin to feel that your thoughts are overwhelming you, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS revert to step one.
STEP THREE: The way you feel will produce the DECISIONS you make.
Emotions are "mental" states and the way that we react to these conditions factor in on decision making. The other day a friend of mines was explaining how someone was making her so angry she wanted to get into a physical confrontation with this person. I told her that no one can ever make you that angry; only she can. When her mental state is signaling feelings of anger, she could make the decision to diffuse it quickly, or she could choose to get into an altercation with this person, either way it is a decision, a choice. The same is true for positive feelings, as well. I know that there is a cliche that states, "You can not help who you love". Well that is erroneous because LOVE also is a choice and that is why Jesus deemed it necessary to love others. He was saying to us to CHOOSE to love one another. He was saying to us to make a decision on this God given feeling.... Think about that a bit before moving on to the next step for me.
STEP FOUR: The decisions you make will produce the ACTIONS you take.
When you make a decision, you move on it. Because this step is so obvious and closely related to step three, I'm going to proceed to the next one.
STEP FIVE: The actions you take will produce the HABITS you create.
If, we constantly take these actions they will eventually become patterns of behavior. Without notice, these learned behaviors with become habitual and will be done without awareness. It takes at least 21 days to create and/or break a habit, so invest in doing something you do not mind having become a part of your life.
STEP SIX: The habits you create will produce the CHARACTER you have.
Our character is who we are, it is not like our personalities, which tend, to change because the character is based off of our core values that exhibit our qualities as a person. Our characters are accumulated off of all of the above (thoughts, values, words, and actions.) The repetition of our habits, again, good or bad will develop these core values. If I developed a habit of nail biting in my childhood, then when I have a child it is highly probable that I will not recommend my child not to bite their nails because my belief says that there is nothing wrong with it. If my grandmother were a virgin until married and my mother were a virgin until marriage and I married without having sexual relations. I will most likely teach my children to abstain from sex until married. So on and so on; all based off of my core values. The point here is that even small things that we tend to do will influence who we become.
STEP SEVEN: The character you have will produce the DESTINY you fulfill.
Before, I continue to do with this step I want to start it off with giving you the definition of what the word destiny means. (taken from The American Heritage Dictionary)
noun. 1. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot.
2. A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control.
3. The power or agency thought to predetermine events.
According to these definitions one's destiny is something that is beyond us, in other words, I would say that our destiny are God orchestrated events that we have no control over. Our destiny is His purpose. The steps above are our keys to successfully fulfilling and completing what God has sent each of us here to do. My destiny (predetermined events) will look different from yours and yours from mines, but the goal is to fulfill it. For example, I explained to a friend the other day that God has an individual plan for each of us, and through the Bible He teaches each one of us how to achieve it. He is so magnanimous that He tells us what the plan is, and He also tells us how to get there, we as humans however have the ability to alter that course. Regardless of whether or not we get to that plan broken and/or ragged or full of the power that we could have gained through following God's instruction, we will eventually get there.
So as a conclusion, I say follow the steps and fulfill your destiny with the least amount of bruises and blemishes. It is going to take all that you have in order to serve God for an eternity. Remember that this time here on earth is only preparation for your after life, so I'll be praying for you and myself alike. Praise Yahweh.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Dear Lost Soul,
You do not know me because we have not met yet but I want you to know that I am in preparation for your arrival. I am in some unique and uncomfortable situations, all for your sake. I do not know you, but I do love you.
I can honestly say that I love you. If it were not for you, I would not be pushed to grow in this capacity. I would not be challenged or forced to view myself from various angles. At times, I have played with the notion of resenting you. I am enduring sleepless nights because I am up late in tears. Also because of the rug burns, I have for being on my knees before the Lord full of sorrow, pain and distress; but your soul is worth it. You are worth every one of these heartaches and headaches.
Dearest lost soul: I can only imagine how many blessings you will receive through my experiences. I ask God and pray fervently that you listen with not just your ears but that you will hear me with your heart, as well. Everything that I have to offer is specifically for your benefit. I am here by the grace of God because you were to follow behind me, but you must remember that others will come after you, so it is your responsibility to share what you learn. It is utterly imperative that you do not get caught up in yourself or become blinded by your own trials. Do not miss the opportune moment to share.
My eyes are wide open because I believe you are coming soon. My intuition says that you are just a mere SEASON away, so once I get up from this FALL, I will have what it takes to SPRING you up.
Let me tell you what else I know about our meeting...
You have a story that will help me along the rest of my journey, as well. That is beautiful, is it not? I also know that there are blessings behind the experiences you will share. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that I truly love which states: "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear." This is fascinating because this truth goes both ways; our roles are easily interchangeable.
I can not wait to meet you.
Mentor Minded
I can honestly say that I love you. If it were not for you, I would not be pushed to grow in this capacity. I would not be challenged or forced to view myself from various angles. At times, I have played with the notion of resenting you. I am enduring sleepless nights because I am up late in tears. Also because of the rug burns, I have for being on my knees before the Lord full of sorrow, pain and distress; but your soul is worth it. You are worth every one of these heartaches and headaches.
Dearest lost soul: I can only imagine how many blessings you will receive through my experiences. I ask God and pray fervently that you listen with not just your ears but that you will hear me with your heart, as well. Everything that I have to offer is specifically for your benefit. I am here by the grace of God because you were to follow behind me, but you must remember that others will come after you, so it is your responsibility to share what you learn. It is utterly imperative that you do not get caught up in yourself or become blinded by your own trials. Do not miss the opportune moment to share.
My eyes are wide open because I believe you are coming soon. My intuition says that you are just a mere SEASON away, so once I get up from this FALL, I will have what it takes to SPRING you up.
Let me tell you what else I know about our meeting...
You have a story that will help me along the rest of my journey, as well. That is beautiful, is it not? I also know that there are blessings behind the experiences you will share. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that I truly love which states: "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear." This is fascinating because this truth goes both ways; our roles are easily interchangeable.
I can not wait to meet you.
Mentor Minded
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