Okay so yesterday actually turned out to be quite lovely. There were flowers, dinner and a nice stroll. I was pleased because the day did end up being special and important after all.
I'm gonna credit the change to possibly one of you out there actually praying for me. Thanks a bunch.
Did you get to see me last night on the show? I saw myself a few times. It was crazy to see myself on t.v. I think I'm more of a behind the scenes type of gal.
-Oh yea, so speaking of behind the scenes. I was listening to the bible the other day (yes, listening) and I believe in 2 Kings I heard them make mention to the women that tended the wardrobe....
I thought that was quite fascinating because who would have known that personal stylist were used even back in the biblical days..... All I'm saying is that my people better work it out. There's always something that can be done and in an economy like this, you better get creative with it.
Okay, but that was it. I know this wasn't a planned posting but like I said I wanted to let you know that I'm feeling much better today and I promised I wouldn't come back on here until my spirits were lifted. And since I'm so high today I wanted to uplift you right along with me.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Man, so it took me awhile to get this post out there because everyday this week was extremely long. It's dated on Sunday because that was actually the day I began writing it but I was wrapped up in love on Sunday so I wasn't able to post according to plan. Do you forgive me? -Of course you do.
Well I came on today just to write. I don't have anything in particular in mind. I heard writing from this point of blankness stirs the mind to some degree of creativity. I guess we're gonna put that to the test right now.
One thing that came to mind from this morning (Saturday) was checking motives. As I was praying I asked that the Lord reveal to me my motives concerning a certain situation in my life. Well maybe situation isn't the best word to use because it's not that serious but....I've started feeling something within me and I want to be sure that before I make a move, I want to know the basis of why I want to go this way. I know myself and I don't want to get in anyone elses space if I'm not there for the proper cause. If I didn't learn anything else from my past; I've learned that much. (smile)
By now I'm sure you're like what in the heck is she talking about but like I said I'm just ranting (in a positive way) about some things going on with me. I know that me checking my motives and evaluating myself is a good place to start because on my end it shows maturity but what if it isn't enough?
I look at my life and I see so many things that I want to change in me and around me but I don't know where to begin. I mean I've done reading, praying, writing and whatever else to get the ball rolling but I don't know.
I also don't know where I'm going with this piece so to avoid wasting anymore of my time and yours I'll stop right here. At least I got to get some stuff off but I have to be mindful of what I put into your space as well. I believe in being each other's keeper. So in a way of showing you guys how much I love you I will watch what I pour into your spirit. With that said, let me shower you with some xoxoxoxoxoxox's and send you on your way.
I do want to say that I'll be back tomorrow for my weekly writing but who knows; it took me a week to get this one out (still forgiven right?) I will say that if we don't come together via blog tomorrow you can join me in watching the episode of SUNDAY BEST that I sat in on. The episode I told you I attended a few months ago airs tomorrow night at 8pm. I will be tuning in to see if I'm briefly seen so let's meet up there if you don't hear from me anytime sooner.
Peace family.
Well I came on today just to write. I don't have anything in particular in mind. I heard writing from this point of blankness stirs the mind to some degree of creativity. I guess we're gonna put that to the test right now.
One thing that came to mind from this morning (Saturday) was checking motives. As I was praying I asked that the Lord reveal to me my motives concerning a certain situation in my life. Well maybe situation isn't the best word to use because it's not that serious but....I've started feeling something within me and I want to be sure that before I make a move, I want to know the basis of why I want to go this way. I know myself and I don't want to get in anyone elses space if I'm not there for the proper cause. If I didn't learn anything else from my past; I've learned that much. (smile)
By now I'm sure you're like what in the heck is she talking about but like I said I'm just ranting (in a positive way) about some things going on with me. I know that me checking my motives and evaluating myself is a good place to start because on my end it shows maturity but what if it isn't enough?
I look at my life and I see so many things that I want to change in me and around me but I don't know where to begin. I mean I've done reading, praying, writing and whatever else to get the ball rolling but I don't know.
I also don't know where I'm going with this piece so to avoid wasting anymore of my time and yours I'll stop right here. At least I got to get some stuff off but I have to be mindful of what I put into your space as well. I believe in being each other's keeper. So in a way of showing you guys how much I love you I will watch what I pour into your spirit. With that said, let me shower you with some xoxoxoxoxoxox's and send you on your way.
I do want to say that I'll be back tomorrow for my weekly writing but who knows; it took me a week to get this one out (still forgiven right?) I will say that if we don't come together via blog tomorrow you can join me in watching the episode of SUNDAY BEST that I sat in on. The episode I told you I attended a few months ago airs tomorrow night at 8pm. I will be tuning in to see if I'm briefly seen so let's meet up there if you don't hear from me anytime sooner.
Peace family.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Updated Naturally
I've heard you and I have returned. Forgive me dear loved ones for posting only once last month but as you can see from the new background I've been doing some creating. I've taken the time last month to develop my arts and what you see behind this post is just a few of the pieces that I have created. I'm still growing my portfolio so that I have enough works under my belt in order to attend next year's Decatur Arts Festival. I haven't forgotten about you that enjoy the fruits of my writings, so I decided to devote Sundays to my blog. Every Sunday I will post a new topic over here and keep in touch with my fellow writers, bloggers, authors and poets.
Today, I wanted to touch on the topic of NATURAL HAIR. I've been natural for almost 3 years and it has been a journey so to say. I have had days where I loved what I was doing and also days that I had no idea what I signed myself up for; today is one of those days.
My hair and the process of being natural is causing me to grow weary. I'm constantly fighting with my roots and disputing with my ends. I feel like my texture and curl pattern is trying to hit me with a K.O. I want to say that I've been winning this battle but I really don't think that would be the most honest statement to make.
If you don't know me personally, I'm the type of person that loves to change up my look. I love to do my do and show off my hair as an accessory. This is the reason that I know dreading or having my hair consistently braided wouldn't work. I'm not ready for that type of commitment. But the fact that I like to be versatile with my looks is beginning to have me to reconsider the "creamy crack."
I know the damage that perms or relaxers do to the hair as well as my body, this is the reason I went natural to begin with, but I wonder if wearing hair in it's natural state is for everyone... I want to say of course it is because this is the way G*d created us, we or shall I say I, wasn't born with relaxed hair. My natural hair isn't relaxed, it's more uptight and difficult if anything (which is probably why it chooses to fight me the way it does.) Nevertheless, this hair is a part of me and it's challenging me to return to true essence.
At the point where I am now, I seriously considering the big chop again. I did my first BC October 2009 after transitioning for a few months prior. I know how dreadful of a time that was because the level of one's creativity can only be stretched but so far when your hair is only an inch long. I'm allowing this idea to take place again because I feel as if I'm growing a field of weeds. Starting fresh may allow me to fall in love again with being NAPTURALLY ME. It will give me another opportunity to remove the damage that has set in and fully nurture my kinks again.
My goal when starting on this path was to obtain healthy, full, natural hair. In the last few months with me turning 30, I've noticed changes in myself physically that has pushed my goal slightly further away. To me, my hair looks dull in color and although it's thick, it's not presenting the fullness I know it can achieve.
I do suggest that if you have been playing with the notion of going natural that you do your research beforehand. Talk to others that you know have made this decision, heck, if you live in the Atlanta area I'm sure you can find someone because I've noticed lots of women are taking part in this epidemic. Find what's comfortable for you and don't choose to go this route because of the looks of someone else. None of us have the same exact hair texture, for me, I have two different types. I say this because one, we aren't to covet what our neighbor has but for two, you will become steadily unhappy because you expect your hair to look like that of another.
I wish you the best of luck if you are reading this prior to your decision and I say stay strong to those like me that are asking themselves the questions that I have regarding their already made decision. Like anything else, there will be good days and bad days, or in our case, good hair days and bad hair days. For you ladies, below is one of my recent paintings done to encourage you with words of advice. I call her 'PICK IT UP and PICK IT OUT.'
Peace family.
Today, I wanted to touch on the topic of NATURAL HAIR. I've been natural for almost 3 years and it has been a journey so to say. I have had days where I loved what I was doing and also days that I had no idea what I signed myself up for; today is one of those days.
My hair and the process of being natural is causing me to grow weary. I'm constantly fighting with my roots and disputing with my ends. I feel like my texture and curl pattern is trying to hit me with a K.O. I want to say that I've been winning this battle but I really don't think that would be the most honest statement to make.
If you don't know me personally, I'm the type of person that loves to change up my look. I love to do my do and show off my hair as an accessory. This is the reason that I know dreading or having my hair consistently braided wouldn't work. I'm not ready for that type of commitment. But the fact that I like to be versatile with my looks is beginning to have me to reconsider the "creamy crack."
I know the damage that perms or relaxers do to the hair as well as my body, this is the reason I went natural to begin with, but I wonder if wearing hair in it's natural state is for everyone... I want to say of course it is because this is the way G*d created us, we or shall I say I, wasn't born with relaxed hair. My natural hair isn't relaxed, it's more uptight and difficult if anything (which is probably why it chooses to fight me the way it does.) Nevertheless, this hair is a part of me and it's challenging me to return to true essence.
At the point where I am now, I seriously considering the big chop again. I did my first BC October 2009 after transitioning for a few months prior. I know how dreadful of a time that was because the level of one's creativity can only be stretched but so far when your hair is only an inch long. I'm allowing this idea to take place again because I feel as if I'm growing a field of weeds. Starting fresh may allow me to fall in love again with being NAPTURALLY ME. It will give me another opportunity to remove the damage that has set in and fully nurture my kinks again.
My goal when starting on this path was to obtain healthy, full, natural hair. In the last few months with me turning 30, I've noticed changes in myself physically that has pushed my goal slightly further away. To me, my hair looks dull in color and although it's thick, it's not presenting the fullness I know it can achieve.
I do suggest that if you have been playing with the notion of going natural that you do your research beforehand. Talk to others that you know have made this decision, heck, if you live in the Atlanta area I'm sure you can find someone because I've noticed lots of women are taking part in this epidemic. Find what's comfortable for you and don't choose to go this route because of the looks of someone else. None of us have the same exact hair texture, for me, I have two different types. I say this because one, we aren't to covet what our neighbor has but for two, you will become steadily unhappy because you expect your hair to look like that of another.
I wish you the best of luck if you are reading this prior to your decision and I say stay strong to those like me that are asking themselves the questions that I have regarding their already made decision. Like anything else, there will be good days and bad days, or in our case, good hair days and bad hair days. For you ladies, below is one of my recent paintings done to encourage you with words of advice. I call her 'PICK IT UP and PICK IT OUT.'
Peace family.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I can feel it in the AIR
"I still close my eyes, I still see visions,
still hear that Voice in the back of my mind.
So what I do?
I still take heed, I still listen
I still paint that perfect picture,
I still shine bright like a prism.
My words still skipping - through air
I know you can't, don't, won't get it
You chose to ride that ship, sunk with it.
I'm still afloat,
I ain't the captain of the yacht but I'm on a boat
I ain't acting what I'm not,
knowing that I don't."
Summed up excellently Beanie!! This is just where I'm at with it. I can't express any longer how much I hope that you 'feel it in the air' as well because something IS going on. You can't spell IGNORancE without ignore. Your decisions are your own.
- 'Dramatic' solar flare could disrupt Earth communications – Tue, Jun 7, 2011
- Mauna Kea (Hawaii) sees snow in the summer - Mon, Jun 6, 2011
- Lightning hits Miss. military base; 77 to hospital - Wed, Jun 8, 2011
- Tornado forms over Massachusetts river - Thu, Jun 2, 2011
- Arizona wildfire (bigger than Phoenix) threatens power transmission lines - Wed, Jun 8, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Practice makes perfect....
NO, it does NOT!! Practice only makes what you're practicing perfect. If you're practicing wrong, if you're practicing evil, if you're practicing unholiness, deceit, selfishness, greed or whatever, just know that you are becoming perfect at being imperfect in the sight of Yahweh who instructs ALL OF US to be PERFECT.
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. -Matthew 5:48
I told my friend about a week ago that it's not about being good anymore; that time is finished, it's time for us to all be great. So today I say the same thing to you. Let us as a community rewrite this cliche and practice on perfecting being perfect, so if nothing more that bit will at least make sense. I understand that we learn so many things but we foolishly have to stop believing them all, we have to stop drinking everything that this world pours into us!
Starting right now, instead of learning something new. UNLEARN SOMETHING OLD.
....I just wanted to drop a quick 'message' on you today because I really do love my followers (the public and private ones) and I know that Yahweh really loves you as well. I also want to say that I know we love Him back but saying it isn't good enough anymore. It's time for our love for Him to be seen by Him and others.
So as I continue to learn, I promise to continue to teach. Peace.
NO, it does NOT!! Practice only makes what you're practicing perfect. If you're practicing wrong, if you're practicing evil, if you're practicing unholiness, deceit, selfishness, greed or whatever, just know that you are becoming perfect at being imperfect in the sight of Yahweh who instructs ALL OF US to be PERFECT.
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. -Matthew 5:48
I told my friend about a week ago that it's not about being good anymore; that time is finished, it's time for us to all be great. So today I say the same thing to you. Let us as a community rewrite this cliche and practice on perfecting being perfect, so if nothing more that bit will at least make sense. I understand that we learn so many things but we foolishly have to stop believing them all, we have to stop drinking everything that this world pours into us!
Starting right now, instead of learning something new. UNLEARN SOMETHING OLD.
....I just wanted to drop a quick 'message' on you today because I really do love my followers (the public and private ones) and I know that Yahweh really loves you as well. I also want to say that I know we love Him back but saying it isn't good enough anymore. It's time for our love for Him to be seen by Him and others.
So as I continue to learn, I promise to continue to teach. Peace.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
My 'Aha' moment!
Well, I think I just stumbled across my destiny. I mean at least a part of my destiny that is. I've been wondering how I could go into business for myself and today it hit me, I had my very own, 'Aha moment'.
I would love to share the details of what came to mind but some things have to be figured out and worked out before I do so. I'm very excited though because this could be that thing that catapults my creativity into something special.
For awhile I had a struggle figuring out how to do what I love and make a profit from it at the same time. Being an artist, (in every sense of the word) doesn't look like work to some. Artistic talents are viewed as as hobbies and or escapes. Well, well, well, I can no longer deny what is purposed to come out of me. My inspiration and motivation has arrived simultaneously.
I posted the video below because it also encouraged me to strive for what I plan to accomplish. Whatever I put my mind to do, I know I can do. 0.39-0.49 in the video sums up exactly what Yahweh sees in me and in all His children. Thank you, Father.
I would love to share the details of what came to mind but some things have to be figured out and worked out before I do so. I'm very excited though because this could be that thing that catapults my creativity into something special.
For awhile I had a struggle figuring out how to do what I love and make a profit from it at the same time. Being an artist, (in every sense of the word) doesn't look like work to some. Artistic talents are viewed as as hobbies and or escapes. Well, well, well, I can no longer deny what is purposed to come out of me. My inspiration and motivation has arrived simultaneously.
I posted the video below because it also encouraged me to strive for what I plan to accomplish. Whatever I put my mind to do, I know I can do. 0.39-0.49 in the video sums up exactly what Yahweh sees in me and in all His children. Thank you, Father.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
this girl called LOVE
Today He called me LOVE.
He said that I make up the rules so it's all in my hands.
As shocked as I may have been, He whispered, "Don't be surprised because you've known it all along. The love you've been craving, it's who you were born to be, My child, and now you are ready."
The greatest love is seeing beyond yourself and other people, it's seeing through them to their soul.
Today He called me LOVE.
Not just a mere sentiment but the truth which holds His law. He shined His light and said, "From the darkness you have been delivered so get up and walk."
This is an extraordinary move He has asked me to make but He said I could do it because, I'm EXTRAordinary and that's nothing new.
"Your name Infinity was such a precise choice for you to make because it's who you always were and My Divine Love is infinite and mysterious."
Today He called me LOVE.
So together we wait ahead wanting you all to catch up because we know in the ending there is always love.
With a heart of acceptance, yet still I protested, "Father isn't love something you feel?"
Quickly He replied, "No it isn't my child; it's what you become. I watched you at your happiest when I knew you had nothing and during that time you allowed the unknown to cast a new life. You've bravely decided to not cling to the past and I watched you rid yourself of expectations and foolish hopes. You stopped fearing the fear of the unknown, and it's been shown because today I called YOU love. My daughter life is fleeting and so impermanent, grasping is vain and clinging is futile but My renewal is forever and now at the same time. Love conforms to OUR vision, and I know you can see it now. You yearned to be 'called out' and so you have, but remember this: love also calls people out so today you are responsible to radiate who you are to others. The gift of who you are isn't just for yourself, GIVE AND RECEIVE, GIVE AND RECEIVE, GIVE AND RECEIVE! My invisible light has shined on the seed that was buried within you."
Today He called me LOVE.
I have a new ability to work miracles so now the minor stuff is casually overlooked. People won't find me (love that is) just because they're lovable. No! In order to be found you must promise love. I don't and I won't come automatically nor am I to be forced because otherwise I wouldn't be love at all, now would I be?
But don't worry because if you unknowingly forget to promise love and are unfortunate to experience me now, you'll have many more chances in the life to come. When you die He has promised to show you the truth immediately. It's an experience of love, knowingness, and bliss because everything that is Him; flows from them.
Today He called me LOVE.
So that I could present one option to you all.
-The person who does is always open and always observing. Surrender not to detach or avoid being touched but so that you can have enough space to find out what is real. Today I have been called love but we are ALL apart of something else. We all belong to ONE unity and that unity is love.
So this is LoVe and today He called me LOVE, so this is ME and I LOVE YOU.
He said that I make up the rules so it's all in my hands.
As shocked as I may have been, He whispered, "Don't be surprised because you've known it all along. The love you've been craving, it's who you were born to be, My child, and now you are ready."
The greatest love is seeing beyond yourself and other people, it's seeing through them to their soul.
Today He called me LOVE.
Not just a mere sentiment but the truth which holds His law. He shined His light and said, "From the darkness you have been delivered so get up and walk."
This is an extraordinary move He has asked me to make but He said I could do it because, I'm EXTRAordinary and that's nothing new.
"Your name Infinity was such a precise choice for you to make because it's who you always were and My Divine Love is infinite and mysterious."
Today He called me LOVE.
So together we wait ahead wanting you all to catch up because we know in the ending there is always love.
With a heart of acceptance, yet still I protested, "Father isn't love something you feel?"
Quickly He replied, "No it isn't my child; it's what you become. I watched you at your happiest when I knew you had nothing and during that time you allowed the unknown to cast a new life. You've bravely decided to not cling to the past and I watched you rid yourself of expectations and foolish hopes. You stopped fearing the fear of the unknown, and it's been shown because today I called YOU love. My daughter life is fleeting and so impermanent, grasping is vain and clinging is futile but My renewal is forever and now at the same time. Love conforms to OUR vision, and I know you can see it now. You yearned to be 'called out' and so you have, but remember this: love also calls people out so today you are responsible to radiate who you are to others. The gift of who you are isn't just for yourself, GIVE AND RECEIVE, GIVE AND RECEIVE, GIVE AND RECEIVE! My invisible light has shined on the seed that was buried within you."
Today He called me LOVE.
I have a new ability to work miracles so now the minor stuff is casually overlooked. People won't find me (love that is) just because they're lovable. No! In order to be found you must promise love. I don't and I won't come automatically nor am I to be forced because otherwise I wouldn't be love at all, now would I be?
But don't worry because if you unknowingly forget to promise love and are unfortunate to experience me now, you'll have many more chances in the life to come. When you die He has promised to show you the truth immediately. It's an experience of love, knowingness, and bliss because everything that is Him; flows from them.
Today He called me LOVE.
So that I could present one option to you all.
-The person who does is always open and always observing. Surrender not to detach or avoid being touched but so that you can have enough space to find out what is real. Today I have been called love but we are ALL apart of something else. We all belong to ONE unity and that unity is love.
So this is LoVe and today He called me LOVE, so this is ME and I LOVE YOU.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Fill a Bag. Feed Families.
Stamp out hunger food drive is Saturday and I thought that this would be a great way for us all to do our part and help out.
Tomorrow, May 14th leave a bag of non perishable food items at your mailbox for pickup and it will be delivered to your local food bank at no cost.
Remember there is and always have been those that are less fortunate than yourself so I encourage you to be your brother's keeper and give a donation from the heart.
Tomorrow, May 14th leave a bag of non perishable food items at your mailbox for pickup and it will be delivered to your local food bank at no cost.
Remember there is and always have been those that are less fortunate than yourself so I encourage you to be your brother's keeper and give a donation from the heart.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The time is NOW
I've been having it in my heart to write this piece but I didn't know how to deliver it without causing my readers to grow frantic. But the time is now because Yahweh is not playing with us and I refuse to let my people be left ignorant.
My question to you is: Have your eyes been open to see and have your ears been in tune to listen to what God is doing and saying to the Universe? If not, then it's time to wake up. Consider today as the first day of the rest of your life.
Lately, as a people we have experienced some of the most incredible natural disasters to date. This year alone we have seen the hands of Yahweh at work. I compiled a list below so if you don't believe me you can look it up this information for yourselves ( and I actually encourage that you do.)
-Birds reportedly falling from the sky and millions of dead fish washed ashore.
-Falling ice and snow off of Cowboys stadium.
-Earthquake reported in New Zealand.
-Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan causing the Earth to shift 8 feet on its axis.
-Fukushima related radioactive materials spread through Northern Hemisphere.
-Massive sandstorm in Kuwait.
-F5 twisters throughout Kansas.
-Severe storms demolish North Carolina.
-Tornado rips through St. Louis airport.
-Talks of "Virgin Mary" image seen in Africa.
-167 tornadoes in a 24 hour period in the southern U.S. states.
-Epic flooding from Mississippi River.
-Rivers flowing backwards (Wolf River, Nonconnah Creek.)
(This next one hasn't yet proven to be disastrous but I do find it quite interesting enough to include)
-Celestial Summit Meeting- 3 planets converging to form a trio.
I didn't write this piece because I'm imposing panic upon you and trust and believe when I say that I'm not the type of person that gets off on chasing after storms but this could not be ignored. Yahweh is talking to His people and He is giving us the opportunity to get right with Him before it's too late.
Exodus 20:18-20
When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.” Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”
May I be your Moses today and help you to see that now since you have seen the thunder and lightning, know that it is your God testing you to keep you from having your name blotted out of His Book.
I won't end this piece by sounding churchy and saying that it's the end of the world or Armageddon. I've seen for myself that that makes nothing more than a catchy topic to discuss because almost always everyone walks away doing the same things they've been doing.
We are a very fortunate people because unlike our biblical ancestors we have the resources we need made readily available to us. I strongly advise that you take advantage of that fact and live in your bibles. And like I said earlier, I kind of don't want you to believe me because that way you will seek this out for yourselves. I will suggest this though, begin by reading those scriptures in the back of the bible that everyone tends to bypass. (Revelations)
Peace be with you.
My question to you is: Have your eyes been open to see and have your ears been in tune to listen to what God is doing and saying to the Universe? If not, then it's time to wake up. Consider today as the first day of the rest of your life.
Lately, as a people we have experienced some of the most incredible natural disasters to date. This year alone we have seen the hands of Yahweh at work. I compiled a list below so if you don't believe me you can look it up this information for yourselves ( and I actually encourage that you do.)
-Birds reportedly falling from the sky and millions of dead fish washed ashore.
-Falling ice and snow off of Cowboys stadium.
-Earthquake reported in New Zealand.
-Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan causing the Earth to shift 8 feet on its axis.
-Fukushima related radioactive materials spread through Northern Hemisphere.
-Massive sandstorm in Kuwait.
-F5 twisters throughout Kansas.
-Severe storms demolish North Carolina.
-Tornado rips through St. Louis airport.
-Talks of "Virgin Mary" image seen in Africa.
-167 tornadoes in a 24 hour period in the southern U.S. states.
-Epic flooding from Mississippi River.
-Rivers flowing backwards (Wolf River, Nonconnah Creek.)
(This next one hasn't yet proven to be disastrous but I do find it quite interesting enough to include)
-Celestial Summit Meeting- 3 planets converging to form a trio.
I didn't write this piece because I'm imposing panic upon you and trust and believe when I say that I'm not the type of person that gets off on chasing after storms but this could not be ignored. Yahweh is talking to His people and He is giving us the opportunity to get right with Him before it's too late.
Exodus 20:18-20
When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.” Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”
May I be your Moses today and help you to see that now since you have seen the thunder and lightning, know that it is your God testing you to keep you from having your name blotted out of His Book.
I won't end this piece by sounding churchy and saying that it's the end of the world or Armageddon. I've seen for myself that that makes nothing more than a catchy topic to discuss because almost always everyone walks away doing the same things they've been doing.
We are a very fortunate people because unlike our biblical ancestors we have the resources we need made readily available to us. I strongly advise that you take advantage of that fact and live in your bibles. And like I said earlier, I kind of don't want you to believe me because that way you will seek this out for yourselves. I will suggest this though, begin by reading those scriptures in the back of the bible that everyone tends to bypass. (Revelations)
Peace be with you.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
To: Mi Madre
You taught me giving,
through everything ever given to me.
I'll always keep it inside,
because your motherly love has been the driving force of my life.
There isn't anything,
or anyone I could be other than the me
that you encouraged me to be.
And it just wouldn't feel right,
if you weren't by my side.
You were there for me,
whenever I was down.
And you were always there to comfort me,
when no else could be found.
What you have been to me,
you will be for always.
In this life and the one afterwards;
for all times.
Ma, you know I love you.
You're the queen of my heart.
Your love is God's grace manifested on Earth.
You're always there for me,
you have always been around for me
even when I was troubled and alone.
You showed me that rights could go wrong
and wrongs could go right,
if only I applied the proper kind of fight.
You didn't always understand my difference,
but you gave me support to be unique.
There was so many times
looking back when I was so afraid
and then I would hear you say,
"I can face anything."
No one else can do
what you have done for me.
I'll never live a day without you
because I'm filled with the essence of you in my thoughts.
And I'll never go a day
without hoping I could repay you for your job well done.
I love you.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mother's out there. May your lives and your families be blessed because of the strength, wisdom, patience and understanding you have given. I pray that you reap the harvest from what you have sown.
through everything ever given to me.
I'll always keep it inside,
because your motherly love has been the driving force of my life.
There isn't anything,
or anyone I could be other than the me
that you encouraged me to be.
And it just wouldn't feel right,
if you weren't by my side.
You were there for me,
whenever I was down.
And you were always there to comfort me,
when no else could be found.
What you have been to me,
you will be for always.
In this life and the one afterwards;
for all times.
Ma, you know I love you.
You're the queen of my heart.
Your love is God's grace manifested on Earth.
You're always there for me,
you have always been around for me
even when I was troubled and alone.
You showed me that rights could go wrong
and wrongs could go right,
if only I applied the proper kind of fight.
You didn't always understand my difference,
but you gave me support to be unique.
There was so many times
looking back when I was so afraid
and then I would hear you say,
"I can face anything."
No one else can do
what you have done for me.
I'll never live a day without you
because I'm filled with the essence of you in my thoughts.
And I'll never go a day
without hoping I could repay you for your job well done.
I love you.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mother's out there. May your lives and your families be blessed because of the strength, wisdom, patience and understanding you have given. I pray that you reap the harvest from what you have sown.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Ticasso (lol)
YOU: Chayah, why do you not draw faces on the people in your paintings?
ME: Well, because I want for you to see beyond their expressions and emotions. It's easy for me to make them smile, but it's another thing for you to be able to make them smile. This way my characters relate and connect directly to where you are. Keeping them faceless, keeps their presence, present.
YOU: What was your inspiration for this painting?
ME: Honestly, I was flipping through a magazine some time last week and came across this beautiful picture. The woman pictured hung out in my head for a few days until I finally let her out on the canvas.
YOU: What can we expect from you next?
ME: I say, stick around. I'm devoting one day a week to focus solely on this talent. I don't know what's up ahead but I have been seeing a few different images lately. I usually don't have a plan when I sit down to create unless I have a specific project I'm working on. Just keep checking in on the blog to stay updated. Thanks.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Facebook'er pt.2
I am highly suggesting that today we "be in the world, but not of it." This Facebook stuff is not good for us (as shown in the video, it never was.) Also this Facebook stuff does not promote any kind of spiritual growth (despite how much any of you want to believe it does.) Trust me when I say that no one on this video, that no one in the CIA nor anyone that works with or for Facebook give a bleep about you or your soul. One day we will all have to give an account and I would hate for those that I love and those that I am close with to have to stand before Yahweh defending their worldly attachment to this social network.
1 John 2:15-17 states: Love NOT the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
Facebook is the breeding ground for ALL that is in the world. Families and relationships are being broken up everyday because of infidelity (LUST OF FLESH.) Many of people have accounts only to play God by being omnipresent..checking in or monitoring the actions of others (LUST OF THE EYES.) Ultimately, Facebook keeps you from fulfilling your spiritual duties and it keeps you more concerned with your fleshy desires (PRIDE OF LIFE.)
I'm not here to make anyone do anything that they wish not to do, like I said earlier, I'm simply making a suggestion. Just know that the TRUTH is out there if you're willing to seek it. I did.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and ACCEPTABLE, and perfect, will of God. -Romans 12:2
Thursday, April 28, 2011
DISCLAIMER: I personally do not have a Facebook account but I did find this information to be important enough to share because many people do have open and active accounts. With that now said...
I've received information that this Friday FACEBOOK will become owner of the publishing rights of ALL your private photos. I wanted to share this information with everyone I knew because nearly everyone I do know has an account with Facebook. There is a way to avoid this if you choose not to simply deactivate your account. I listed the steps below. I advise you do this right away if you oppose your so called "private" photos being used for whatever purpose Mark Zuckerberg and/ or the CIA may choose to use them. I also would recommend that you share, share, share this information with everyone you know as well. Thanks and your welcome.
Here's what you do:
-go to your account,
-go to account settings,
-click facebook ads (along the top),
-click ads shown by third parties,
-choose 'NO ONE'
-then SAVE.
I've received information that this Friday FACEBOOK will become owner of the publishing rights of ALL your private photos. I wanted to share this information with everyone I knew because nearly everyone I do know has an account with Facebook. There is a way to avoid this if you choose not to simply deactivate your account. I listed the steps below. I advise you do this right away if you oppose your so called "private" photos being used for whatever purpose Mark Zuckerberg and/ or the CIA may choose to use them. I also would recommend that you share, share, share this information with everyone you know as well. Thanks and your welcome.
Here's what you do:
-go to your account,
-go to account settings,
-click facebook ads (along the top),
-click ads shown by third parties,
-choose 'NO ONE'
-then SAVE.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
the ART of a woman
Here's my new piece. I got the idea from a poem I wrote last year called One:14. (Check it out again, it's in the June 2010 file. I also posted a video on YouTube with me reciting the piece so you're more than welcome to check that out also if you'd rather listen to it than read it.**youtube.com/giastiles1)
I'm artistically and poetically telling the story behind the two people in the painting so please don't assume I'm speaking of anyone in particular because that happens a lot on here. People tend to focus more on WHO I'm talking about rather than WHAT I'm talking about. Anyways, I hope you like it because I do. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday Best
Today I sat amongst the audience of BET's show, Sunday Best. It was a spontaneous choice I made and I'm glad that I did. I've never sat in the audience of a live studio taping prior to this one. The experience was grueling, yet refreshing at the very same time. I signed a confidentiatly agreement so I can't really say too much about it but be sure to check it out when the new season begins. Without giving away the climax, let me share my personal experience.
Upon arriving there was a long line of other audience members and I'm not quite sure what the system was that they were using to check people in but we waited in the sun for at least 45 minutes. This was the first place where BET was showing what the "B" in their name meant.
Once we got inside, we were seated and I was fortunate enough to be upgraded to the first row. I had a lot of camera time, so again be sure to tune in.
We were then entertained by their comedian and warm up personality. He was funny and I enjoyed his jokes but after an hour and a half of sitting it was becoming painfully obvious that I was ready for the show to start.
And it did!
Out came the lovely judges, Donnie McClurkin, and the beautiful sisters of Mary Mary, Erica and Tina. Fellas, these ladies are absolutely gorgeous in person. They are also some down to earth people. Tina was actually sitting at the judges table snacking on sunflower seeds during each break. I thought that was so funny because sometimes people have the notion that celebrities aren't real people.
The show then begins and enters Kirk Franklin. He is the cutest, littlest thing but he's full of energy and full of life. The performance that they gave was outstanding and I was introduced to a song that was exactly what I needed.
The first ten go on and the house was moved by the love of Yahweh. I'm not a religious person unlike some that were there but it was undeniable that the Spirit was present.
I had a fun time but I also had a chance to learn. I learned that all people want to feel special and feel as though they belong to something greater than themselves. This is the reason why you have Baptist, Methodist, 7 day Adventist and so forth. In attempts to all be the "chosen people", people go were they feel welcomed by other people but in the end they are all calling ONE GOD (or at least I pray that they are.)
I believe I was the only Hebrew in the building so there was no church for me to shout out nor religion to big up but my praise was as valuable and worthy as anyone else's there. And my SMILE was as stunning as my neighbors. So I thank You Father Yahweh for placing me in a room full of believers. It wasn't about who is this and who is what, it was all about You. So thank You for seating me in a room full of people that simply love You and Your Son. I got to witness the abundance of gifts and talents You give to Your children and what it looks like when others give glory unto Your Name. Every soul called on You this evening. Every heart was full of Your love and joy and I couldn't have spent my Monday in any other way because this is where I was suppose to be.
Abba, I know that You are working, so I smile...
Upon arriving there was a long line of other audience members and I'm not quite sure what the system was that they were using to check people in but we waited in the sun for at least 45 minutes. This was the first place where BET was showing what the "B" in their name meant.
Once we got inside, we were seated and I was fortunate enough to be upgraded to the first row. I had a lot of camera time, so again be sure to tune in.
We were then entertained by their comedian and warm up personality. He was funny and I enjoyed his jokes but after an hour and a half of sitting it was becoming painfully obvious that I was ready for the show to start.
And it did!
Out came the lovely judges, Donnie McClurkin, and the beautiful sisters of Mary Mary, Erica and Tina. Fellas, these ladies are absolutely gorgeous in person. They are also some down to earth people. Tina was actually sitting at the judges table snacking on sunflower seeds during each break. I thought that was so funny because sometimes people have the notion that celebrities aren't real people.
The show then begins and enters Kirk Franklin. He is the cutest, littlest thing but he's full of energy and full of life. The performance that they gave was outstanding and I was introduced to a song that was exactly what I needed.
The first ten go on and the house was moved by the love of Yahweh. I'm not a religious person unlike some that were there but it was undeniable that the Spirit was present.
I had a fun time but I also had a chance to learn. I learned that all people want to feel special and feel as though they belong to something greater than themselves. This is the reason why you have Baptist, Methodist, 7 day Adventist and so forth. In attempts to all be the "chosen people", people go were they feel welcomed by other people but in the end they are all calling ONE GOD (or at least I pray that they are.)
I believe I was the only Hebrew in the building so there was no church for me to shout out nor religion to big up but my praise was as valuable and worthy as anyone else's there. And my SMILE was as stunning as my neighbors. So I thank You Father Yahweh for placing me in a room full of believers. It wasn't about who is this and who is what, it was all about You. So thank You for seating me in a room full of people that simply love You and Your Son. I got to witness the abundance of gifts and talents You give to Your children and what it looks like when others give glory unto Your Name. Every soul called on You this evening. Every heart was full of Your love and joy and I couldn't have spent my Monday in any other way because this is where I was suppose to be.
Abba, I know that You are working, so I smile...
Friday, April 8, 2011
Coming ARTtractions
I spent most of the evening unwinding inside with some music, wine, and cheese while having a great time creating my first masterpiece. I've recently grown an interest in painting, so I gave it a go. I must say, it was a delightful experience. I will be posting my works as I complete them so stay tuned..
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Todah, Yes Lioness. The other day an old friend of mines said to me that it's problematic when a female is more WOMAN than GODDESS. This was right on time. Again, todah rabah for sharing your artwork with the world. Shalom Achoti.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Let it GO!
A few years ago I came across this posting by T.D. Jakes that I liked so much that I posted it on my cubicle at work. I needed this affirmation and I needed it on a daily basis due to the situations I was facing with a coworker at my job and in my personal life. Tonight I came across the very same posting and I knew I had to share with others as well as post it to my blog to again remind myself of the power and authority that has been given to us.
It's called LET IT GO.
"There are people who can walk away from you. And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk.
I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone. When people can walk away from you let them walk.
Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.
The Bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19]
People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay.
Let them go.
And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it just means that their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead. You've got to know when it's dead.
You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you something. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay.
Let them go!!
If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to . . . . . . . .
If you are holding on to past hurts and pains. . . . . . . . .
If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth. . . . . . . .
If someone has angered you. . . . . . . .
If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge. . . . . . . .
If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction. . . . . . . .
If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents. . . . . . . . .
If you have a bad attitude. . . . . . . . .
If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better. . . . . . . .
If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him. . . . . . . .
If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship. . . . . . . .
If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves. . . . . . . .
If you're feeling depressed and stressed. . . . . . . .
If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and God is saying "take your hands off of it," then you need to. . . . . . . .
Let the past be the past. Forget the former things. GOD is doing a new thing!!!
Get Right or Get Left. Think about it, and then. . . . . . . .
The Battle is the Lord's!"
It's called LET IT GO.
"There are people who can walk away from you. And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk.
I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone. When people can walk away from you let them walk.
Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.
The Bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19]
People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay.
Let them go.
And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it just means that their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead. You've got to know when it's dead.
You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you something. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay.
Let them go!!
If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to . . . . . . . .
If you are holding on to past hurts and pains. . . . . . . . .
If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth. . . . . . . .
If someone has angered you. . . . . . . .
If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge. . . . . . . .
If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction. . . . . . . .
If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents. . . . . . . . .
If you have a bad attitude. . . . . . . . .
If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better. . . . . . . .
If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him. . . . . . . .
If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship. . . . . . . .
If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves. . . . . . . .
If you're feeling depressed and stressed. . . . . . . .
If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and God is saying "take your hands off of it," then you need to. . . . . . . .
Let the past be the past. Forget the former things. GOD is doing a new thing!!!
Get Right or Get Left. Think about it, and then. . . . . . . .
The Battle is the Lord's!"
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Chayah חיה
Shalom aleichem and Shana Tova!
As today marks the New Year or the vernal equinox, I am so thrilled to be in line with the spirit of Yahweh. For the last few weeks, precisely around the ending of my fast, I have been in a place of incubation. I have been growing and developing on the inside and today I have been born. With this new life, Yahweh has given me a new identity in Him.
I introduce to you... CHAYAH LAEL YISRAEL.
The Hebrew meaning of the name Chayah is LIFE. To LIVE and have LIFE, to live and be PROSPEROUS, and also to be RESTORED to life or good health. In other words, I am the em kol chai or mother of all life in the English translation.
My new being embodies both the essence of life itself and the creative ability to grant that life to others. The idea of "mother of all life" expresses not only the ability to physically give birth (as we all know I have not yet done), but also to create, nourish, and enhance all facets of life. The ability of a mother is to take something from the state of potential, develop it, and bring it to actualization through creative abilities.
Yahweh has created me to be a creator and to bring forth LIFE in all that I do. The concept of being a mother or "the living one" is to be creative and birth new ideas and realities into the world. I have been called to shape and develop formless matter and carry it within me until it is ready to be born. Nurse that life, feed it and sustain it physically, emotionally, and spiritually; nourish it throughout its life while helping to actualize its maximum potential. By doing such, I am constantly giving birth to new levels of ability and depths of life experiences, both within myself and within all those around me.
So not only are we celebrating a New Year, we are also celebrating a birthday (Yom Huledet Same'ach Chayah!!) I know that with this new LIFE, will come new responsibilities and I vow to commit myself to the process of change. I praise Yahweh for first crowning me with His VICTORY to now be deeming me as the new EVE. Abba, You have given and restored me to life and I humbly give it back to You through my obedience to Your Word. For the instructions are to- "fear Yahweh, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." -Ecclesiastes 12:13
As a called child of Israel and servant of the Most High, I have a duty to fulfill and life to bring to pass. May you pray for my strength as I will for yours.
As today marks the New Year or the vernal equinox, I am so thrilled to be in line with the spirit of Yahweh. For the last few weeks, precisely around the ending of my fast, I have been in a place of incubation. I have been growing and developing on the inside and today I have been born. With this new life, Yahweh has given me a new identity in Him.
I introduce to you... CHAYAH LAEL YISRAEL.
The Hebrew meaning of the name Chayah is LIFE. To LIVE and have LIFE, to live and be PROSPEROUS, and also to be RESTORED to life or good health. In other words, I am the em kol chai or mother of all life in the English translation.
My new being embodies both the essence of life itself and the creative ability to grant that life to others. The idea of "mother of all life" expresses not only the ability to physically give birth (as we all know I have not yet done), but also to create, nourish, and enhance all facets of life. The ability of a mother is to take something from the state of potential, develop it, and bring it to actualization through creative abilities.
Yahweh has created me to be a creator and to bring forth LIFE in all that I do. The concept of being a mother or "the living one" is to be creative and birth new ideas and realities into the world. I have been called to shape and develop formless matter and carry it within me until it is ready to be born. Nurse that life, feed it and sustain it physically, emotionally, and spiritually; nourish it throughout its life while helping to actualize its maximum potential. By doing such, I am constantly giving birth to new levels of ability and depths of life experiences, both within myself and within all those around me.
So not only are we celebrating a New Year, we are also celebrating a birthday (Yom Huledet Same'ach Chayah!!) I know that with this new LIFE, will come new responsibilities and I vow to commit myself to the process of change. I praise Yahweh for first crowning me with His VICTORY to now be deeming me as the new EVE. Abba, You have given and restored me to life and I humbly give it back to You through my obedience to Your Word. For the instructions are to- "fear Yahweh, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." -Ecclesiastes 12:13
As a called child of Israel and servant of the Most High, I have a duty to fulfill and life to bring to pass. May you pray for my strength as I will for yours.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Beautiful Elysian
Currently I was listening to the cherubic melodies and symphonic sounds projected out of India.Arie in her song titled Beautiful. This piece is a jewel to hear but what caught me in particularly this time around were the lyrics. In this song she describes 'beautiful' as a place, which in other words means, she changed an adjective to a noun and that is highly clever in my opinion. So after a few hits of replay I was left pondering on where exactly it is that I would wanna go if I had the choice to do so.
My word of choice was and is ELYSIAN.
Before I go any further I want to begin by dedicating this piece to Ms. Arie for giving me the inspiration and motivation I needed to do this one. I challenged myself greatly and it took quite a bit of research and study on my part but I must admit I enjoyed it fully, so I thank you. I can only pray that I did justice to her masterpiece. So without further delay, here is my version of the song Beautiful, which I have graciously titled "Beautiful Elysian."
Time has no measure and
I haven't a single bag to pack
Pursuing my spiritual journey down the road.
Cause I've made it up from the abyss and
I see that familiar shining celestial body up ahead
Inviting me to exist within its radiance.
I wanna go to place where I am placid and repose
The place that exists between 'NOW'here and here'AFTER'.
I wanna got to a place where bliss has no consequence and
The sky accepts each of my prayers.
I wanna go to Beautiful Elysian
Understand that it's because I've cared all too much
But now the pressure has barricaded me in
I have grown to love suffering more than I have loved the life of enjoyment itself.
But I need to find a place where
I can live
I can laugh
I can dance
I wanna go to a place where I can grab hold the hand of freedom
And let go of subjection with all my might.
I wanna go to a place where I am suspended in blessedness
Some where between light and lightheartedness
Where wrongs don't have a right.
I know where it is that I wanna be, so I ask you, where is it that you wanna go?
My word of choice was and is ELYSIAN.
Before I go any further I want to begin by dedicating this piece to Ms. Arie for giving me the inspiration and motivation I needed to do this one. I challenged myself greatly and it took quite a bit of research and study on my part but I must admit I enjoyed it fully, so I thank you. I can only pray that I did justice to her masterpiece. So without further delay, here is my version of the song Beautiful, which I have graciously titled "Beautiful Elysian."
Time has no measure and
I haven't a single bag to pack
Pursuing my spiritual journey down the road.
Cause I've made it up from the abyss and
I see that familiar shining celestial body up ahead
Inviting me to exist within its radiance.
I wanna go to place where I am placid and repose
The place that exists between 'NOW'here and here'AFTER'.
I wanna got to a place where bliss has no consequence and
The sky accepts each of my prayers.
I wanna go to Beautiful Elysian
Understand that it's because I've cared all too much
But now the pressure has barricaded me in
I have grown to love suffering more than I have loved the life of enjoyment itself.
But I need to find a place where
I can live
I can laugh
I can dance
I wanna go to a place where I can grab hold the hand of freedom
And let go of subjection with all my might.
I wanna go to a place where I am suspended in blessedness
Some where between light and lightheartedness
Where wrongs don't have a right.
I know where it is that I wanna be, so I ask you, where is it that you wanna go?
Friday, March 11, 2011
24 thing to ALWAYS remember
1. Your presence is a present to the world.
2. You are unique and one of a kind.
3. Your life can be what you want it to be.
4. Take the days just one at a time.
5. Count your blessings, not your troubles.
6. You will make it through whatever comes along.
7. Within you are so many answers.
8. Understand, have courage and be strong.
9. Do not put limits on yourself.
10. So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
11. Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
12. Reach for your peak, your goal and your prize.
13. Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
14. The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets.
15. Do not take things too seriously.
16. Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
17. Remember that a little love goes a long way.
18. And a lot..goes forever.
19. Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
20. Life's treasure are people together.
21. Realize that it is never too late.
22. Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
23. Have heart, hope and happiness.
24. Take time to wish upon a star.
2. You are unique and one of a kind.
3. Your life can be what you want it to be.
4. Take the days just one at a time.
5. Count your blessings, not your troubles.
6. You will make it through whatever comes along.
7. Within you are so many answers.
8. Understand, have courage and be strong.
9. Do not put limits on yourself.
10. So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
11. Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
12. Reach for your peak, your goal and your prize.
13. Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
14. The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets.
15. Do not take things too seriously.
16. Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
17. Remember that a little love goes a long way.
18. And a lot..goes forever.
19. Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
20. Life's treasure are people together.
21. Realize that it is never too late.
22. Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
23. Have heart, hope and happiness.
24. Take time to wish upon a star.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
speakin' WORD
Sister was SNAPPING and fortunately for her, so was her crowd. This message was absolutely stunning. We as women have all at one time or another made our attempts at making "him" the one but You, my Lord, are the only One.
I Praise Yahweh that Your daughters are being raised up in such a way. We love You Abba and like it was so elegantly put here, I too will Wait for You.
I Praise Yahweh that Your daughters are being raised up in such a way. We love You Abba and like it was so elegantly put here, I too will Wait for You.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
note to SELF: be YOURSELF
A new month and what better way to kick it off by just being my natural AUTHENTIC wonderful self. I'm excited too because I'm being me to the max whether anyone likes it or not (although I'm sure there won't be too many complaints.)
I've just decided that I've had it! R.I.P to the people pleaser that lived in me.
No more of being what people think I should be or do what people think I should do or look how people think I should look or feel how people think I should feel. I'm sure you get where I'm going with this. No longer my friends, if it isn't or doesn't sit well with me, then I'm not shrinking back and accepting it any longer. The hard truth is that everyone isn't going to like me but I'm cool with that. And if folks aren't into accepting me being myself, then I really don't need them that close to begin with, feel me?
TRUE STORY: So lately I've discovered a new love in fashion and what I have come to find out is that I love vintage clothing, I mean, love it, love it, love it. I enjoy the way it looks and feels on me.
Side note: this look is not for everyone, (so don't go out trying to find some retro/vintage clothing and age yourself just because you read this blog) but anyways, it works for me. The other day I showed my mother a few of my pieces and of course she had her comments about it. She said that I have no taste....
Hilarious!! Right??
Just because it isn't her "taste", doesn't mean that it isn't mines. Remember when I told y'all in my fasting blog that I have been being shaped and molded for most of my life? Well, that was just a bit of what I meant. In order to have taste, I guess I have to do what everyone else is doing. It makes me wonder if that's why she began perming my hair, I guess it was important to keep others comfortable.
Well, now it's about MY comfort and I'm comfortable with my napptural hair, I'm comfortable with my chocolate brown skin, I'm comfortable with my style and my taste in any and everything that I like. Heck, I'm comfortable with me. And I ought to be, I've been living with myself for the last 30 years now. And that's a long time; a long time also to learn and understand that Yahweh didn't make any mistakes when He created me. So this month, I'm starting it off by being thankful for who I am and I'm appreciating my own uniqueness.
There is no one else on this planet that is like me, and if anyone tries to learn my ways in order to replicate me...it will NEVER be done because I can NEVER be duplicated!
I close by saying, if there is a mold shaping you to be something that isn't you then I suggest you break it and just be yourself. Because when there is no one else around, you gotta be good with you.
I've just decided that I've had it! R.I.P to the people pleaser that lived in me.
No more of being what people think I should be or do what people think I should do or look how people think I should look or feel how people think I should feel. I'm sure you get where I'm going with this. No longer my friends, if it isn't or doesn't sit well with me, then I'm not shrinking back and accepting it any longer. The hard truth is that everyone isn't going to like me but I'm cool with that. And if folks aren't into accepting me being myself, then I really don't need them that close to begin with, feel me?
TRUE STORY: So lately I've discovered a new love in fashion and what I have come to find out is that I love vintage clothing, I mean, love it, love it, love it. I enjoy the way it looks and feels on me.
Side note: this look is not for everyone, (so don't go out trying to find some retro/vintage clothing and age yourself just because you read this blog) but anyways, it works for me. The other day I showed my mother a few of my pieces and of course she had her comments about it. She said that I have no taste....
Hilarious!! Right??
Just because it isn't her "taste", doesn't mean that it isn't mines. Remember when I told y'all in my fasting blog that I have been being shaped and molded for most of my life? Well, that was just a bit of what I meant. In order to have taste, I guess I have to do what everyone else is doing. It makes me wonder if that's why she began perming my hair, I guess it was important to keep others comfortable.
Well, now it's about MY comfort and I'm comfortable with my napptural hair, I'm comfortable with my chocolate brown skin, I'm comfortable with my style and my taste in any and everything that I like. Heck, I'm comfortable with me. And I ought to be, I've been living with myself for the last 30 years now. And that's a long time; a long time also to learn and understand that Yahweh didn't make any mistakes when He created me. So this month, I'm starting it off by being thankful for who I am and I'm appreciating my own uniqueness.
There is no one else on this planet that is like me, and if anyone tries to learn my ways in order to replicate me...it will NEVER be done because I can NEVER be duplicated!
I close by saying, if there is a mold shaping you to be something that isn't you then I suggest you break it and just be yourself. Because when there is no one else around, you gotta be good with you.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Are you ready for some..
Hey Ladies.
It's time for the annual kickball season to start and I'm recruiting for my team. You do not have to be a professional at all! All that I'm looking for are those that want to have a good time and kick around some balls (smile). You must be 21 and over and pay the $125 per person registration fee. If you or anyone you know is interested, please let me know as soon as possible because the registration deadline is April 15th.
For any other information, post a comment below or send me an email and I will forward you the flyer directly.
Hey Ladies.
It's time for the annual kickball season to start and I'm recruiting for my team. You do not have to be a professional at all! All that I'm looking for are those that want to have a good time and kick around some balls (smile). You must be 21 and over and pay the $125 per person registration fee. If you or anyone you know is interested, please let me know as soon as possible because the registration deadline is April 15th.
For any other information, post a comment below or send me an email and I will forward you the flyer directly.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Perfect Couples
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My all time favorite human being on the planet right now is the MARRIED MAN. There is something quite special and rare about a man that is married. I'm interested in his creed and I want to know why and what made him take such a courageous leap.
As Valentine's Day has come and gone, I've noticed that there were an unusual amount of engagement commercials being shown. I also couldn't help but to notice that out of the many advertisements being aired that there were no black men featured in any of them.
Does Jared and Kay know something that we don't know? Are there no black ad executives working the board to get our faces seen in their commercials? Or are White, Asian, and French men the only ones finding and keeping the women that they love? I can't put my finger on it but, nonetheless, that married man is still a standout human creation in my sight.
I see them as a league of their own...HONORABLE, JOYFUL, and most importantly FAVORED by YAHWEH.
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving HONOUR unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. -1 Peter 3:7
Live JOYFULLY with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun. -Ecclesiastes 9:9
Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth FAVOUR of the LORD. -Proverbs 18:22
It takes a man of obedience, discipline and direction to place himself in such a role of responsibility and for that I tip my hat off to you. I can imagine that committing to a woman isn't the easiest of choices because sometimes we can be a bit much to handle. But you have agreed to forever agree that this is the ONE person that makes your life livable.
I smile just at the thought.
Today, I come not to burden you but to ask a simple favor. I ask that you spread your truth to others, especially to our Brown and Black brothers. The crown of wisdom has been placed upon you and as you stand King it is now your call of duty to dub other Knights with the Holy Sword.
I admire what you have done and what you represent to do all the days of your life. You are truly the rarest of breeds and everyone who knows of your power and beauty, knows this to be true.
As Valentine's Day has come and gone, I've noticed that there were an unusual amount of engagement commercials being shown. I also couldn't help but to notice that out of the many advertisements being aired that there were no black men featured in any of them.
Does Jared and Kay know something that we don't know? Are there no black ad executives working the board to get our faces seen in their commercials? Or are White, Asian, and French men the only ones finding and keeping the women that they love? I can't put my finger on it but, nonetheless, that married man is still a standout human creation in my sight.
I see them as a league of their own...HONORABLE, JOYFUL, and most importantly FAVORED by YAHWEH.
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving HONOUR unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. -1 Peter 3:7
Live JOYFULLY with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun. -Ecclesiastes 9:9
Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth FAVOUR of the LORD. -Proverbs 18:22
It takes a man of obedience, discipline and direction to place himself in such a role of responsibility and for that I tip my hat off to you. I can imagine that committing to a woman isn't the easiest of choices because sometimes we can be a bit much to handle. But you have agreed to forever agree that this is the ONE person that makes your life livable.
I smile just at the thought.
Today, I come not to burden you but to ask a simple favor. I ask that you spread your truth to others, especially to our Brown and Black brothers. The crown of wisdom has been placed upon you and as you stand King it is now your call of duty to dub other Knights with the Holy Sword.
I admire what you have done and what you represent to do all the days of your life. You are truly the rarest of breeds and everyone who knows of your power and beauty, knows this to be true.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
note to SELF: i LOVE you
It's International SELF LOVE day and what better way for us to gear up for Valentine's Day.
Females are more emotionally attached to the idea of Valentine's Day, hearts, roses and all things mushy around this time of the year.
I particularly like that there are two groups of women created around this time also. There are the women that are hardcore hopeless romantics and are in love with the whole idea and there are the other women that are have Cupid on there Most Wanted list (possibly because they're currently single or may have been hurt.) Either way, each group has their right to believe what they may.
I'm also apart of a group and it's the one that treads the thin line right between the two. I love that love is celebrated on Valentine's and that for a few hours you and your significant other can show appreciation towards the other. But I also think it's a tad bit cheesed out and overrated. Personally, I don't want to receive a stuffed animal or be taken to an overcrowded restaurant like the hundreds of other people out there. To me that isn't what it's all about.
You're probably thinking...... What does any of that have to do with it being International Self Love Day? Well my friend, you gots to love you some of you in order to love some of anyone else. Today is the day where it's okay to take yourself on a date and buy yourself some flowers, and show yourself some appreciation. Over the weekend that's exactly I did. I did lunch and a movie with myself. I didn't let the fact that going out alone sever my imagination towards loving myself. It was one of the coolest dates I think I have ever been on.
Anyways, an act like this one does require a great deal of self love in order to not feel awkward and uncomfortable in an environment surrounded by couples. But I liked seeing everyone share in their togetherness; love was definitely in the air and I was blessed to take it all in.
So fellow love lovers, I end by suggesting you devote this February 13th towards being sweet to yourself. Go old school and start by giving yourself one of those cute little candy hearts that read, "Be Mine" and accept. We all know and have heard the cliche, that you can't love anyone else unless you love yourself.
Females are more emotionally attached to the idea of Valentine's Day, hearts, roses and all things mushy around this time of the year.
I particularly like that there are two groups of women created around this time also. There are the women that are hardcore hopeless romantics and are in love with the whole idea and there are the other women that are have Cupid on there Most Wanted list (possibly because they're currently single or may have been hurt.) Either way, each group has their right to believe what they may.
I'm also apart of a group and it's the one that treads the thin line right between the two. I love that love is celebrated on Valentine's and that for a few hours you and your significant other can show appreciation towards the other. But I also think it's a tad bit cheesed out and overrated. Personally, I don't want to receive a stuffed animal or be taken to an overcrowded restaurant like the hundreds of other people out there. To me that isn't what it's all about.
You're probably thinking...... What does any of that have to do with it being International Self Love Day? Well my friend, you gots to love you some of you in order to love some of anyone else. Today is the day where it's okay to take yourself on a date and buy yourself some flowers, and show yourself some appreciation. Over the weekend that's exactly I did. I did lunch and a movie with myself. I didn't let the fact that going out alone sever my imagination towards loving myself. It was one of the coolest dates I think I have ever been on.
Anyways, an act like this one does require a great deal of self love in order to not feel awkward and uncomfortable in an environment surrounded by couples. But I liked seeing everyone share in their togetherness; love was definitely in the air and I was blessed to take it all in.
So fellow love lovers, I end by suggesting you devote this February 13th towards being sweet to yourself. Go old school and start by giving yourself one of those cute little candy hearts that read, "Be Mine" and accept. We all know and have heard the cliche, that you can't love anyone else unless you love yourself.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
"You are my PEACE OF MIND and that old me is left behind."
I have lost PIECE of who I was and have gained PEACE in who You are. I love You. Praise Yahweh.
I have lost PIECE of who I was and have gained PEACE in who You are. I love You. Praise Yahweh.
Monday, February 7, 2011
1 Week Later
It's been one week since I broke my 21 day fast and I wanted to come back on and share some of what has taken place thus far.
This week at work I got a change of position that was sorts of a promotion. It was sometime last week that while I was at work that my back began to ache. I said to myself that I would like to have the reviewers role because they get all of their hours, more money and it's less strenuous on the body. Like I said, it was just a thought to myself but Yahweh was listening. My supervisor came up to me and picked me out of 65 other workers and asked if I would like to transfer over, I was ecstatic.
This week while I was getting undressed to take a shower I began messing around with the bump that I said I had on my breast. I don't know how but I was able to squeeze it and to my surprise whatever it was came out. There was no pain nor bleeding and it has healed like nothing was ever there. This thing has been here for some time now but I never brought it to YHWH until this fast and now it's gone. I was astonished, I literally could not believe it.
These are just a few things that took place in the last 7 days and I wanted you to know that God is a miracle worker. He is always there and He only desired for me to bring these things to Him and I'm elated that I did.
This week I also encountered an attack of the enemy and I'm also coming on here to talk directly to that 'private' viewer. It has been brought to my attention that the things I share on here are being presented as a problem to you and you are making it a problem for me. Back in December I asked that when you come to this site that you leave your HATE away from me and what I do. You are consciously making a choice every time you come to this site, and it's not even as if I want you to be in mine or my loved ones business, but yet you still make the choice to spy in on us. I was going to come on here and spew some not so nice things your way today but I'm living right and walking righteously. I shared "my" very own personal experience this last month and poured out LIFE to my readers but you showered DEATH over it. What I did was a positive thing and you attempted to negate it and that's why I've decided to not feed into your negativity by lowering myself to that frequency today (sorry, you might win some but you lost that one.)
If you truly have an issue with me like you say you do, then just stop this madness. Stop checking in on me and my family by investigating my writings, this is not the road to your healing, trust me. I'm frankly growing tired of hearing what I write or what videos I post or whatever I do via online being delivered from your mouth and somehow getting back to my ears. If you are so interested and invested in my works then how about you become a 'public' follower just like the others on the left side of the page. But if not then, STEP OFF!
All I know is that I can not; I will not, devote anymore of my time or energy to you or some things that should be no more. It's time to end this and quit judging and start loving and moving on. You are too old to be stalking out what's going on over here. I don't do this to you, so I ask that you don't do it to me and mines. Today, I'm going to pray for you and I'm going to ask Yahweh to help me to understand you better. I also ask that He put you back on your OWN page and off of mines and everyone else that is connected to the person you are really searching out.
[Love for Enemies]- You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. -Matthew 5:43-45
For the rest of my readers, I apologize for that. I didn't want to have to take that much focus off of why I came on here to begin with, which was to share my joy with you about Yahweh's work, but the enemy is using someone to bring disturbance and unnecessary chaos into my home and I'm not having that. I care too much about myself and my well being and my family to let this continue any longer, the only thing I know to do is to be all the way real and go straight to the source of the problem while still being a lady and woman of YHWH.
Anyways, if you're still debating on whether or not fasting is for you, I pray that these minimal number of blessings were enough to convince you that presenting yourself as a living sacrifice to the Most High YHWH is so worth it.
This week at work I got a change of position that was sorts of a promotion. It was sometime last week that while I was at work that my back began to ache. I said to myself that I would like to have the reviewers role because they get all of their hours, more money and it's less strenuous on the body. Like I said, it was just a thought to myself but Yahweh was listening. My supervisor came up to me and picked me out of 65 other workers and asked if I would like to transfer over, I was ecstatic.
This week while I was getting undressed to take a shower I began messing around with the bump that I said I had on my breast. I don't know how but I was able to squeeze it and to my surprise whatever it was came out. There was no pain nor bleeding and it has healed like nothing was ever there. This thing has been here for some time now but I never brought it to YHWH until this fast and now it's gone. I was astonished, I literally could not believe it.
These are just a few things that took place in the last 7 days and I wanted you to know that God is a miracle worker. He is always there and He only desired for me to bring these things to Him and I'm elated that I did.
This week I also encountered an attack of the enemy and I'm also coming on here to talk directly to that 'private' viewer. It has been brought to my attention that the things I share on here are being presented as a problem to you and you are making it a problem for me. Back in December I asked that when you come to this site that you leave your HATE away from me and what I do. You are consciously making a choice every time you come to this site, and it's not even as if I want you to be in mine or my loved ones business, but yet you still make the choice to spy in on us. I was going to come on here and spew some not so nice things your way today but I'm living right and walking righteously. I shared "my" very own personal experience this last month and poured out LIFE to my readers but you showered DEATH over it. What I did was a positive thing and you attempted to negate it and that's why I've decided to not feed into your negativity by lowering myself to that frequency today (sorry, you might win some but you lost that one.)
If you truly have an issue with me like you say you do, then just stop this madness. Stop checking in on me and my family by investigating my writings, this is not the road to your healing, trust me. I'm frankly growing tired of hearing what I write or what videos I post or whatever I do via online being delivered from your mouth and somehow getting back to my ears. If you are so interested and invested in my works then how about you become a 'public' follower just like the others on the left side of the page. But if not then, STEP OFF!
All I know is that I can not; I will not, devote anymore of my time or energy to you or some things that should be no more. It's time to end this and quit judging and start loving and moving on. You are too old to be stalking out what's going on over here. I don't do this to you, so I ask that you don't do it to me and mines. Today, I'm going to pray for you and I'm going to ask Yahweh to help me to understand you better. I also ask that He put you back on your OWN page and off of mines and everyone else that is connected to the person you are really searching out.
[Love for Enemies]- You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. -Matthew 5:43-45
For the rest of my readers, I apologize for that. I didn't want to have to take that much focus off of why I came on here to begin with, which was to share my joy with you about Yahweh's work, but the enemy is using someone to bring disturbance and unnecessary chaos into my home and I'm not having that. I care too much about myself and my well being and my family to let this continue any longer, the only thing I know to do is to be all the way real and go straight to the source of the problem while still being a lady and woman of YHWH.
Anyways, if you're still debating on whether or not fasting is for you, I pray that these minimal number of blessings were enough to convince you that presenting yourself as a living sacrifice to the Most High YHWH is so worth it.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
12 Steps to VICTORY
Well, I just finished up the series of my 21 day fast and like I mentioned that was the start of a new beginning. For the start of February I wanted to present to you the 12 steps of VICTORY. I came across these steps once completing the fast and I'm going to quote Jentezen Franklin directly from his book; Fasting Journal. When I read it I got blessed and I feel as if these are amazing keys to begin this month off with so I want to give you what was given to me.
1. Make it hard on Yahweh and easy on you. Take the pressure off yourself to make things happen, because that's Yahweh's job. (Matt. 11:28; John 5:40; 6:29)
2. Keep on swinging. Don't settle for partial victory. (2 Tim. 4:7-8)
3. God says, "When you approach a door that is very large, do not fear, because I will open it." When Yahweh opens the door, no man can shut it. (Rev. 3:7-8)
4. Don't move in the dark. If you don't know Yahweh's will, don't move. (Ps. 46:10; Exod. 14:13; Ruth 3:18)
5. Be strong and very courageous. If you lack courage, pray. (Phil. 4:6-7)
6. Don't do anything until you ask Yahweh first. He will give you a clear word. (Eph. 2:10)
7. Don't ask how much it costs; ask Yahweh if He wants it done. If so, He'll take care of the cost. (2 Cor. 9:8; 3 John 2)
8. Be patient. Yahweh loves the last minute save! "Whoever believes will not act hastily." (Isa. 28:16)
9. Don't stick to sensible methods. If Yahweh tells you to do something, do it. (Prov. 3:5-6; Isa. 25:3-4)
10. Practice the John the Baptist factor: "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30; Phil. 1:21)
11. Look out! you haven't seen anything yet when you mix faith with the Word of Yahweh. (Hab. 2;4; Rom. 10:17)
12. P-U-S-H: Pray Until Something Happens (Ps. 149; 2 Chron. 20:21-22; Heb. 13:15)
I hope this blesses you as well. I really like how he included Biblical references to go along with his steps. I know that we are all walking the stairway to heaven to get closer to our Maker. Shalom.
1. Make it hard on Yahweh and easy on you. Take the pressure off yourself to make things happen, because that's Yahweh's job. (Matt. 11:28; John 5:40; 6:29)
2. Keep on swinging. Don't settle for partial victory. (2 Tim. 4:7-8)
3. God says, "When you approach a door that is very large, do not fear, because I will open it." When Yahweh opens the door, no man can shut it. (Rev. 3:7-8)
4. Don't move in the dark. If you don't know Yahweh's will, don't move. (Ps. 46:10; Exod. 14:13; Ruth 3:18)
5. Be strong and very courageous. If you lack courage, pray. (Phil. 4:6-7)
6. Don't do anything until you ask Yahweh first. He will give you a clear word. (Eph. 2:10)
7. Don't ask how much it costs; ask Yahweh if He wants it done. If so, He'll take care of the cost. (2 Cor. 9:8; 3 John 2)
8. Be patient. Yahweh loves the last minute save! "Whoever believes will not act hastily." (Isa. 28:16)
9. Don't stick to sensible methods. If Yahweh tells you to do something, do it. (Prov. 3:5-6; Isa. 25:3-4)
10. Practice the John the Baptist factor: "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30; Phil. 1:21)
11. Look out! you haven't seen anything yet when you mix faith with the Word of Yahweh. (Hab. 2;4; Rom. 10:17)
12. P-U-S-H: Pray Until Something Happens (Ps. 149; 2 Chron. 20:21-22; Heb. 13:15)
I hope this blesses you as well. I really like how he included Biblical references to go along with his steps. I know that we are all walking the stairway to heaven to get closer to our Maker. Shalom.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I don't know about you but I definitely needed this today and since I'm such a thoughtful person, I wanted to share it with you as well. Remember that things are going to get better for I, you and we.
P.S. Happy Birthday to my little BIG brother.
P.S. Happy Birthday to my little BIG brother.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Hello Readers.
I want you to know that if you are frequently coming to my page to check for any new posts that I am in the works of creating something extremely special for you. It says that the last actual post was on the 4Th of January but I've been online everyday working on this masterpiece. I can't reveal what it is just yet but it's probably my most personal work to date. To give you a small hint, I am taking my readers on an amazing journey and I'm sure you'll be excited to come along. I won't be posting it until February 1st but in the meantime I will coming back to leave you updates and to talk about other things.
For example, did anyone watch The Game on Tuesday night? Of course you did!! 7 million people tuned in to welcome the cast back on the air. I enjoyed it myself and I'm looking forward to see where they will take us this time around.
Also, what about that weather we are having? I've never heard of it being snow in 49 states at the same time. Yahweh is saying something, so I hope you are all listening carefully. Here in Atlanta, the entire city got shut down for at least 3 days. I wasn't able to get out of my neighborhood until just yesterday and it snowed on 4 days ago on Sunday.
Another thing I've run across are the new zodiac signs. According to whatever and whoever, I am no longer a Capricorn (they wait until I turn 30 to want to change that up on me.) This story made me think of all the people that have tattoos of their previous sign. I know my man and his best friend think that Scorpios are the bomb diggity, well how you like being a Libra now, my friend. And as far as this goes I have adopted the sign of a Sagittarius (wow, that didn't even feel right to write.) This story to me looks like someone got real smart out of nowhere or that again you better start taking notice as in what Yahweh is saying. If this story is true, then the Earth's rotation is blah blah blah. Anything that has anything relating to the way the earth is rotating is always going to be God's work.
7 million of us tuned our attention to watch Melanie and Derwin's drama. I wonder how many people out of that number knew they were being distracted from what's really going on. Television, especially the news, only reports what they can't control and/ or what they want to control. They can't control the unexplainable change in weather nor the rotation of the earth but they can get you to think you're no longer a horoscope that you never really were to begin with. Man created that and he's doing it again in an attempt to throw us off from the main story. And all the while they try to figure out just how to gain control over which they can't, they will just continue to feed us another episode of The Game to watch. But what do I know.
I want you to know that if you are frequently coming to my page to check for any new posts that I am in the works of creating something extremely special for you. It says that the last actual post was on the 4Th of January but I've been online everyday working on this masterpiece. I can't reveal what it is just yet but it's probably my most personal work to date. To give you a small hint, I am taking my readers on an amazing journey and I'm sure you'll be excited to come along. I won't be posting it until February 1st but in the meantime I will coming back to leave you updates and to talk about other things.
For example, did anyone watch The Game on Tuesday night? Of course you did!! 7 million people tuned in to welcome the cast back on the air. I enjoyed it myself and I'm looking forward to see where they will take us this time around.
Also, what about that weather we are having? I've never heard of it being snow in 49 states at the same time. Yahweh is saying something, so I hope you are all listening carefully. Here in Atlanta, the entire city got shut down for at least 3 days. I wasn't able to get out of my neighborhood until just yesterday and it snowed on 4 days ago on Sunday.
Another thing I've run across are the new zodiac signs. According to whatever and whoever, I am no longer a Capricorn (they wait until I turn 30 to want to change that up on me.) This story made me think of all the people that have tattoos of their previous sign. I know my man and his best friend think that Scorpios are the bomb diggity, well how you like being a Libra now, my friend. And as far as this goes I have adopted the sign of a Sagittarius (wow, that didn't even feel right to write.) This story to me looks like someone got real smart out of nowhere or that again you better start taking notice as in what Yahweh is saying. If this story is true, then the Earth's rotation is blah blah blah. Anything that has anything relating to the way the earth is rotating is always going to be God's work.
7 million of us tuned our attention to watch Melanie and Derwin's drama. I wonder how many people out of that number knew they were being distracted from what's really going on. Television, especially the news, only reports what they can't control and/ or what they want to control. They can't control the unexplainable change in weather nor the rotation of the earth but they can get you to think you're no longer a horoscope that you never really were to begin with. Man created that and he's doing it again in an attempt to throw us off from the main story. And all the while they try to figure out just how to gain control over which they can't, they will just continue to feed us another episode of The Game to watch. But what do I know.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Intro in2 the New Year
Shalom and Welcome.
I wish you all a "Happy New Year" (or at least, according to the gregorian calendar it is.)
This year is going to be full of fun. I have a lot of new topics to discuss and a ton of different things to do and share with you.
Firstly, I thank you for continuing you on thus far with me. Thank you for your support by including me and So this is LoVe as a destination spot on your information superhighway adventure. I encourage you to stay tuned for the excitement that is yet to come. This year I have planned to add video blogs, pictures, group discussions and contest for my readers.
Secondly, for those of you that crave Truth. I have started another blog titled So this is YAHWEH. This site was designed for those of us that would like to meet up every week and talk about YHWH. This will be our own version of bible study so that together we can grow and learn from one another. Check out yahwehisthisso.blogspot.com to read the details. I hope to see you there.
So with that said, let's get it started.
I wish you all a "Happy New Year" (or at least, according to the gregorian calendar it is.)
This year is going to be full of fun. I have a lot of new topics to discuss and a ton of different things to do and share with you.
Firstly, I thank you for continuing you on thus far with me. Thank you for your support by including me and So this is LoVe as a destination spot on your information superhighway adventure. I encourage you to stay tuned for the excitement that is yet to come. This year I have planned to add video blogs, pictures, group discussions and contest for my readers.
Secondly, for those of you that crave Truth. I have started another blog titled So this is YAHWEH. This site was designed for those of us that would like to meet up every week and talk about YHWH. This will be our own version of bible study so that together we can grow and learn from one another. Check out yahwehisthisso.blogspot.com to read the details. I hope to see you there.
So with that said, let's get it started.
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