Friday, April 21, 2023

Twin Thespian

It's all the pretending.
The 3D "ending."
The faux unfriending.
The weekly folding and bending.
The intense activations that are our chakras are finally mending.
Receiving the signals his eyes are constantly sending.
No wonder his logical mind tries its damndest to make him look away,
In avoidance of hearing what his heart may have to say.

It's been said,
Life is but a dream, just one big ol play,
So my dearest Twin,
You're free to live and experience it in your own way.
Separated solely through illusion,
You and I can never part.
No matter how great a distance,
We've been one from the start.

How rare to have met,
The Universe must have went through great depth.
Our Soul magnetized Itself in,
It will do it again and again.
So until then, my friend,
I'll continue to do the work
for the both of us to ascend.
Even if that means
I keep on pretending to pretend.