Thursday, April 17, 2014


With the precious time given,
I decided to do some soul searching
and live a different kind of living.

I had to look myself in the mirror
and come to terms with what I see.
I had to learn how to accept and to love me for me.

Been blessed with the gift of emotional identification
and self healing,
learned through practice to be honest about what I was feeling.

Because my soul had become sick and tired
of being sick and tired
so it was then that I knew my past had to be retired.

I became my very own friend,
and allowed the time for my broken heart to mend.

Heard that life was short and time is limited at the very least,
so I faced my giants head on and slayed the savage beast.

And every now and then when I glance at my reflection,
I see this new person that's finally headed in the right direction.

An emptiness had been filled and my heart no longer void,
my cup runneth over from my soul being overjoyed.

There was a spiritual battle that He told me was not mine,
and He promised we'd win and for me to just make good with this time.

So now I return the invites to party with Satan,
because a once crooked path has now been straightened.

And when the Lord starts calling or my clock stops ticking,
I'll be singing praises on my way home and I won't go kicking.

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